John A.
I had aortic valve and arch replacement surgery on August 3rd. On the 4th, my electrical system hadn't quite kicked in, so I remained on an external pacemaker. By the morning of the 6th, it looked like my system was back up and running on its own, so they disconnected the external pacemaker. I was scheduled to have the leads pulled this afternoon and was hoping to go home tomorrow (after 24 hours observation). Unfortunately, I became very light headed a couple of hours ago and my heart rate dropped to about 44 bpm. They plugged the external pacemaker back in and I was back on my own system within 5 minutes (albeit with the external pacemaker still hooked up as a backup). Now I am waiting for the electrocardio folks to let me know what they think is going on.
I know heart block is pretty common following this type of surgery, but has anyone had the experience in which it appeared to clear up for over 72 hours before reappearing? Just wondering whether this means that I will likely need an internal pacemaker and how long this is likely to delay my exit from the hospital.
Thank goodness this happened before they pulled my leads! Thanks for any feedback! Only have access to a mobile phone right now (which is my excuse for any typos!), so it is a bit difficult to do a search.
I know heart block is pretty common following this type of surgery, but has anyone had the experience in which it appeared to clear up for over 72 hours before reappearing? Just wondering whether this means that I will likely need an internal pacemaker and how long this is likely to delay my exit from the hospital.
Thank goodness this happened before they pulled my leads! Thanks for any feedback! Only have access to a mobile phone right now (which is my excuse for any typos!), so it is a bit difficult to do a search.