Pacemaker problems

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I recently had an incident with my Medtronic pacemaker and wondered if anyone has had a similar sensation. I felt a "jolt" or "short circuit" sensation at the pacemaker site. This caused me to "yelp" and cover the site with my hand. I was sitting at the dining table with my mom. She actually heard an audible "pop." I've seen my Cardiologist and he checked it; no events were recorded and both leads seemed to be in working order. I've just contacted Medtronic to see if any such incidents have been reported. My pacer is in "stand-by" mode and paces less than .1% of the time. Weird, huh? Just checking to see if anyone else's has had the same experience.
I have absolutely nothing to contribute - just want to say that this sounds kinda creepy and hope it doesn't happen again. :eek: :eek: :eek:
Hi Heidi!

Hi Heidi!

Hi there! I too, have nothing I can add specifically. Thought I'd pop in and bring you back up front here.........

You might try doing a search on pacemakers here at this site. Then, if anyone commenting in the past is still active these days, you could send them a Private Message (PM) or email and see if they'd get back to you.

That does sound startling and irregular. Definitely continue to pursue getting answers!

Good luck!
:) Marguerite
Hello Heidi,
I just read your post and I have not experienced what you are going through, but i can offer this - i had a dual medtronic pacemaker implanted in 2003 and belong to a website that is very friendly and offers great support. If you'd like- try going to They may be able to help answer your question. I have made some very good friends and have been a member for a few years now.

May I ask what your diagnosis was? I had mine implanted for bradydysrhythmias and sick sinus syndrome. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you feel you would like to chat some more. All the best to you ...

Hi Heidi, I have a two lead medtronic pacemaker but have never experienced anything like what you described. Does not sound OK to me. I know they are telling you it is OK but if I were experiencing that I might try and get some more follow up. What did Medtronic say?

Good luck.

Unfortunately, I have nothing of much substance to contribute, but I'll throw in my limited knowledge. I've only had mine about a year, but I've never heard of anything like that. I'm inclined to say that if they scanned it and got no abnormal readings, things are probably okay, but it would definitely make me nervous!

At any rate, I'm very interested to know what the manufacturer says (said?).

Pacemaker problems

Thanks to all for your comments and ideas. I've been in touch with Medtronic and they have no idea what I could have experienced :confused: . I've checked (thanks for that) and have registered and am awaiting approval to post. Maybe I'm just one of those freaks with a strange electrical system. Who knows. I haven't had another experience since and may never again.