Don't know too much about any new pacemakers, but I have a two lead pacemaker that was placed due to atrial fibrillation and meds for same which cause a really low heart rate.
The insertion of the pacemaker appeared to be a really minor surgery. I had "conscious" sedation....meaning they did not have to support me with a ventilator, although I was asleep. The wires go down through veins and the actual pacemaker, which is really small, goes into a little pocket they make in the chest...very small scar, and you hardly know it is there.
They check mine both in the cardio's office every couple of months as well as by telephone. The company, Raytel, sent me a little monitor, I put on my electrodes and when they call me (scheduled) I put the phone over the monitor and they can test the pacemaker. They also sent a magnet which you have to put over the pacemaker at one point during the test.
Hope this is of help. Good luck to your mom.