Our baby is having surgery tomorrow

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
Our little Abby. 6 month old Birmam is having her spaying tomorrow. :( She's such a wonderful girl. She's a little bigger now. Not much though. Need a recent photo.

Praying all turns out just fine as I am sure it will. Just a nervous mama, papa and sister here.
Keep the positive thougths a flowing! They will both be fine. It's almost as difficult as taking your child to the doctor when they are not feeling well:( Then you have your daughter worrying..... adding fule to the high anxiety level:eek: After the aggressive dog from hell.....never dreamed we could love Abby the way we do.
On the flip side of the coin, we are expecting AGAIN! I lollygaged around just a little too long and now I have a COW. She should pop anyday now. I still haven't gotten rid of the other 2 kittens.

The kitty will be fine. They don't really like you for a few days afterwards, but it beats the alternatives.
Couldn't sleep last night and was woolgathering - one of the thoughts was of Gina's new baby and that she must be growing up and we need to see a new picture of her. She surely is a pretty thing.

They spay rabbits?????????
Hi Gina-

I've had lots of cats, and it is quite surprising how fast they recover. About one or two days under the weather, and then all will be OK.

Nice picture of the family.
Ross is gonna be a papa again! Congratulations:) They are little joys.

Just dropped Abby off at the vet. Gave her lots of hugs and kisses. Would have liked the hubby to drop off so she can hate him;)