I'm so less sophisticated...
I've gotta little blue plastic box that's got all of my meds in it that sits on the kitchen table. Every morning I sit down, usually with a glass of orange juice, and start picking out bottles from the box. I get one each, 40mg lasix, 20mg lasix, spironolactone, digoxin, lisinopril, and prilosec. Down the hatch.
In the evening, usually about 5:30 or 6, I'm in the chair again picking out my lasix, spironolactone, and I'm alternating 7.5 and 7mg of warfarin right now. This time usually with some milk and Ovaltine.
My trick is when we eat out or I'm on vacation. If it's more than a night out, I lug the whole box of pills with me and go through my normal routine wherever we happen to be vacationing. If it's just a night out, I'll either take my evenign dose before leaving the house or I have a little pill container that I put my evening dose into before it gets dropped into my pants pocket.
I've been late on meds once in a while, but have only missed doses when I've neglected to get refills on the scrips. I've never missed Coumadin though, I've got enough "extra" pills from having to alter dosage that I can make up the combinations I need if I don't have my regular 2mg 5mg and/or 7.5mg pills.
Granted, once I had to take seven 1mg pills, but I didn't miss the dose!