Yes, me..the one that has been so good all these years..taking her coumadin. Long story short..One day last week..I had a pain in my shoulder on a trip..Stopped into gas station to buy I bought a Goody's //for Body pain due to muscalar aches and arthritis....what the label says.....Took one (felt like I was snorting.. ) with the white powder . the pool, I scratched an insect bite. Looked down in pool. I was bleeding like a stuck-pig. Came home..put on a bandaid..and just looked again..blood running down my arm..( on elbow) It has stopped..Just looked at ingredients,,,325 acetaminophen and 500 mg aspirin.....Crazy me..I had taken another one this a.m. because I forgot to buy Tylenol......Threw them away...Neighbor told me at pool today..she usedto take Goody's but gave her bad nosebleds..........My bad. never again..bonnie