One more year on Earth !

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New member
Jun 28, 2011
Northern Ireland
1st November 2011 I had my AVR. St Jude:cool: smiles on me as a year later I am still here. What a year, I know I'm preaching to the choir here. A rollercoaster ride and no mistake. Stills feels like that except the fear has definitely gone. Everyday I am grateful. Even when I get grumpy.... and with lack of sleep from twins under 2 yrs that can be often.

This forum answered a lot of my questions before I went for surgery. Thankyou to everyone here.

I'll never forget the evening in the hospital the night before surgery, taking the valium they gave me ( those things knock me out cold ) and not knowing whether I would wake up again. The hardest thing that morning was saying goodbye to my two kids and not knowing if I would ever see them again. I'm in tears now just thinking about it.

Waking up drugged out the wazoo in ICU was wonderful. Not because of the drugs, but because I knew I was out the other side and back here again. I was on oxycontin for 4 days until I begged the Doc to give me something a bit less powerful as the hallucinations were just waay too much. Downers aren't my bag, man :eek2:

It took me until late May 2012 to realise that, mentally, I felt as close to normal as I had done since long before surgery.

Roll on the kids birthday, I'm baking the cake again this year too.
