On-X Valve w/ Dacron Graft?

  • Thread starter MyBloodRunnethOrange
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I'm having surgery at the CCF on May 3rd and hoping to use the On-X as my choice for AVR. I will also have to have a dacron graft implanted. Most of you know that there is no pre-manufactured solution yet from MCRI, but I know that some others here have had this combo performed. My question is are there any concerns besides the risk of bleeding from where the dacron graft is attached to the valve? I realise that this also may increase my time on the pump as well. Does anyone here know if the valve is louder with the dacron graft versus just the valve? Thanks in advance for any and all opinions.

Great questions!

I recall Briansmom's reply to a recent question I posted for a friend....see copy/paste below which may be helpful to you.

My son just received an on-x with dacron graft for his ascending aorta. Our surgeon said that it would add about 5 minutes to the surgery for him to sew on the dacron graft. The valve does not come with the graft, but it can be done. I also talked to Catheran Burnett (you can get her number from the on-x site). http://www.onxvalves.com/Default.asp
As for the noise, I can't hear it unless I put my ear right up to his chest. He has commented a couple of times that he has heard it at night, but not a lot of complaints. I have nothing to compare it to.

And my blood runneth BurntOrange MrP
The loudness is from your body acoustics, not what's attached to it. Most people can't hear a thing unless they are in a totally silent room. One exception, when I first came out of sedation, mine sounded intolerably loud in my head. I almost screamed that it was so loud. Upon waking the second time, that was no longer an issue.
I was told from a respected source that sounds echo more in the dacron graft than normal aortic tissue and thus the valve would be louder. However, i am not sure it doesnt diminish as tissue surrounds the graft and also i am not aware of comparisons wihtin the same person. Would be interested in hearing from somoeone that had a mechanical valve and then had to go back for a graft at a later date.

also, not sure it makes much of a difference anyway, i would very highly doubt you would opt out of the graft and then its a matter of changing your valve type to a tissue from a mechainical, not sure the noise difference, if any should drive the decision.
I just want to add that my son had a VERY complicated, LONG surgery (11 hrs). His docs are VERY cautious with him because of all that he has been through. I'm pretty confident that they would have refused the On-X with dacron graft if they thought that it was going to add any problems.

Here is some info that may help you.

I have the 23CAVG-404, a St Jude valve with graft, and although the clicking at first was loud, I do not notice it that much any more, and also I don't think it is as loud as it was in the beginning.

That being said, since I didn't have a valve without graft before to compare against, I cannot really say if one is louder than the other. I do however expect, that everyone who goes though heart surgery and has a mechanical heart valve installed, at first thinks their valve is loud because they never had one before.

Here is some St. Jude info regarding Valve with Dacron graft.

Thank you all very much for your input. It sounds like the noise issue is indeed quite variable from person to person just as I suspected.

Thanks also for the additional info regarding Brian's surgery DeAnn. I would have to agree that the Drs. would probably not have done the graft with the On-X if they felt it might complicate the situation further. It seems as though it's actually a pretty basic procedure to attach the graft to the valve.

Hope you all have a great day! Thanks again!

On-X v. St. Jude

On-X v. St. Jude

As noted in previous postings, I requested an On-X rather than a St. Jude. My request was partially based on what I read about "ticking" issues with the St. Jude from postings here.

I needed an aortic graft as well and my surgeon wanted to use a valve which came with a factory installed conduit. One of his issues was extending the time I was going to be on the heart-lung machine. While attaching a graft to the valve wouldn't have extended the time by much, the surgery was five hours and I appreciated his concern and desire to be conservative. I had expressed concern about the potential effects of extended time on the machine.

I'll be three weeks post surgery on Wednesday afternoon and I've noticed that the volume of the click with the St. Jude's varies depending on what I'm doing. Sometimes I don't hear it at all; at other times it's pretty loud.

Good luck with your surgeon and your choice.

Thanks for sharing your story Phillip. I'm optimistic that I'll be able to use the On-X, but I am obviously going to listen to my doctors concerns also. I appreciate the nice words and am glad your surgery was successful too.

Ben Smith said:
Who is your surgeon going to be at CCF?

Hi Ben,

My surgeon at CCF is Dr. Lars Svensson. I have heard nothing but good things about your surgeon Dr. Petterson as well.

I have the 25MM ON-X valve and a 5" dacron graft. Actual surgery time was 81 minutes. I had blood leaking from somewhere and the surgeon would not close me till it stopped. I laid for 3 more hrs open and it finally stopped. Thank goodness I had a very good surgeon. I lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion. I asked before surgery if I need to give blood and was told no. But they didn't know that I had 3 anyerisms that needed to be removed thus the graft.

I have had no other complications. Am very happy with my choice. The valve is a little loud in me but I'm thin. Feel free to ask me questions.

HarleyM said:
I have the 25MM ON-X valve and a 5" dacron graft. Actual surgery time was 81 minutes. I had blood leaking from somewhere and the surgeon would not close me till it stopped. I laid for 3 more hrs open and it finally stopped. Thank goodness I had a very good surgeon. I lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion. I asked before surgery if I need to give blood and was told no. But they didn't know that I had 3 anyerisms that needed to be removed thus the graft.

I have had no other complications. Am very happy with my choice. The valve is a little loud in me but I'm thin. Feel free to ask me questions.


Did they ever figure out where the bleeding was coming from? It just stopped on it's own? Regardless, I'm glad that your surgery was a success and that you are happy with your On-X.

May I ask how much you weigh and how easy it is to hear your On-X?

Thanks for the input.


The bleeding stopped on it's own. I weigh 175# @ 6'2". When I sit in a quiet room, bathroom ect I can here it. It doesn't bother me at all and I have got use to it. The ticking means I'm alive! There are many advantages to this valve. You can search my posts and see some of them. The good news is my DRs have removed all limitations. I'm free to do as I want and what I want. That freedom has given me a great year with more to come! I dive, hunt, fish, cut myself, hit my head from time to time, race, ect. Coumadin is a serious drug but very easy to deal with. Actually when my level gets low, I feel lazy and cramp with dizzyness. When I'm in range look out. LOL I am on the highest dosage of any patent my DR has had, 12 mg per day and still running low.

hope I could help,
HarleyM said:

The bleeding stopped on it's own. I weigh 175# @ 6'2". When I sit in a quiet room, bathroom ect I can here it. It doesn't bother me at all and I have got use to it. The ticking means I'm alive! There are many advantages to this valve. You can search my posts and see some of them. The good news is my DRs have removed all limitations. I'm free to do as I want and what I want. That freedom has given me a great year with more to come! I dive, hunt, fish, cut myself, hit my head from time to time, race, ect. Coumadin is a serious drug but very easy to deal with. Actually when my level gets low, I feel lazy and cramp with dizzyness. When I'm in range look out. LOL I am on the highest dosage of any patent my DR has had, 12 mg per day and still running low.

hope I could help,

Thanks for the additional info Harley. It sounds like you like to live life like me... grabbing it by the horns! I hope that I am as lucky as you. Hope you have a great weekend, and yes, you have been a help.
