On the road (stretcher?) again

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
Boulder, CO
On the stretcher again. .. like a band of gypsies running down the highway. .yours and my ways. . . :D

Tomorrow I go in for four hours of pre-op ( :eek: ) to get my sternal wires removed. (Too much pain when goofing off and sailing - the wires gotta go!) Then at 7:30 am on Thursday, the buggers come out!

When asked if this procedure could be done under local anesthesia, the nurse asked how high my pain tolerance was. That's a good sign. :cool: Unless I hear otherwise from my dear vr.com friends, I will start off with local and only succumb to the power of general anesthesia if I am in writhing in fist-clenching, tongue-biting, cursing-like-a-young-sailor pain. Or if the anesthesiologist can convince me otherwise. Sure hope he's cute!! :D :D :D

As always, any input is appreciated - especially the onery type from Ross. ;)


Good luck on Thursday! I thought I had read somewhere that they can now do this surgery using twilight anesthesia along with a local (much like a cath). This would allow you to go home on the same day. I might be having the same procedure in the coming months (waiting on my S L O W L Y healing sternum to complete the process), so I'll be interested to hear how things go and how much relief you experience after all is said and done. :)

I hear tell that forks are just the thing to bite down on to keep from screaming in pain. Bullets are too dang small. And a belt of whisky won't hut ya none, neither. ;)
another step

another step

Good luck on the day, it seems you always have your sailing to look forward to.
Told ya all that goofing off would get you in trouble. What should I expect from my evil sister anyway huh? Twilight sounds good. Your not nearly as dopey and can be awakened rather quickly afterwards. Be good and let us know how it all works out. :)
Nicole (ILoveNY) went into hospital to have hers done. Maybe she will see this and give you some input - or you could PM her (too late now, I guess, tho). Good luck. You will soon be wireless! :p
Good luck Melissa. Pioneer women used to use a hunk of leather to bite down on when giving birth - or you could use the anesthesiologist's hand. :D

Good luck with the wires. I gotta applaud you for giving me a chuckle with your upbeat demeanor.

If you get a "local" can they prop your head up or provide an overhead mirror so you can watch? Shoot some video for us?

Seriously, wish you well.


I had 3 of mine taken out 6 mos. after the surgery. Was on outpatient and had general anesthesia. They mentioned local but I wasn't sure if I wanted to be awake or not since I was a little nervous about this. It was pretty sore for a few days afterwards and had difficulty finding a comfortable position. He took out the 3 on the bottom but I am still having trouble with the 3rd down from the top. Got a hernia where the drain tubes were and he is going to repair that one so maybe I will suggest that one be taken out too. Good luck,
Good luck, tomorrow..However, I am the Oddball on Vr..Mother Hen..It takes a full year for your sternum, ect. to heal.......This was a major surgery..and you are not quite 1 year........I know some members have had much pain from their wires..but, I would have been afraid to have mine removed...( I never had the pain from them)...They are put there to hold you together. But then again..I was very laid back for a year...Now, at 2 plus years..I can do most anything without pain... :D :D Don't go sailing for awhile. :eek: Bonnie
OK, surgery sister, go get these things taken care of so you can get on doing the things you so enjoy. I hope everything goes well for you and you are all healed up for the reunion in October!
Thanks for all of your well-wishes. Pre-op today was a breeze. It felt like Old Home Week as the different nurses, attendents, and techs stopped by to see how I was doing. (One of the benefits of being a 6'+ tall woman is people remember you :D).

I will ask about twighlight anesthesia - wonder what they call it by name? If they couldn't do it on local alone, I was going to ask for my friend Propofol. A very nice, light general anesthesia, with a short shelf life and an easy wake-up. (Geeez. . .you'd think we were talking about wine here! :cool: )

Some of this procedure is for the wires causing the pain, and some of it is cosmetic. My nice little 2.5" hairline scar turned keloid on me. I am hoping he can excise the scar, do a nice subcutaneous stitch to close the new one up, then inject a BOATLOAD of steroids into the scar to keep it looking dainty. :D

I mentioned VR.com to the nurse today. . .hopefully, she will help spread the word. Thanks again for the well-wishes!

I'm not sure if twilight is the technical term, but if you've had a cath you know what I mean. You're not totally under but you could care less what they are doing to you at the time, and the anesthesia tech can control how "out of it" you are. So if it turns out that you're uncomfortable they can go from twilight to nighty nite in a flash. :D Good luck tomorrow and let us know how it all goes.
Bryan B said:
I'm not sure if twilight is the technical term, but if you've had a cath you know what I mean. You're not totally under but you could care less what they are doing to you at the time, and the anesthesia tech can control how "out of it" you are. So if it turns out that you're uncomfortable they can go from twilight to nighty nite in a flash. :D Good luck tomorrow and let us know how it all goes.
The technical term, as is on my anesthesia card, is Monitored Anesthesia Care or MAC.
Look Ma! No more wires! =)

Easy as pie. . .went in this morning around 7:00, was out at the Waffle House having breakfast by 11:00. :D ChristinaL from VR.com was kind enough to drive down from Estes Park to make sure I was okay. Don't think she quite believed it when we went out for breakfast afterwards. :cool: Tee hee.

The anesthesiologist and I had quite the conversation pre-op re: local vs. general. After making it clear that I wanted to wake up very quickly and without nausea, I agreed to go with a "Propofol-based" general anesthesia. To his credit, I woke up very quickly, was alert, and had no nausea. Was discharged from the hospital less than an hour after waking up. Now THAT's a good surgery!!

I am at home now. . .haven't taken any pain meds yet. My sternum is sore, but no more sore than it was with the wires in (the pain is more constant, but no more sore). My mobility is a bit limited at the moment, but I should be up and bowling by the end of the weekend. :)

Thanks for your help!

hi melissa!
i haven't been around much this summer and just read your post...
i am so glad that this is behind you and that it went smoothly.
i'm sure the pain will ease in time, just try and take it easy until then...
you are amazing with your positive attitude... wonderful, as always.
glad you're doing better.
stay well, sylvia
Melissa, are you sure you are okay - has the anesthesia "completely" wore off??? We went to the Egg and I, NOT the Waffle House! Do you remember??? :D

Seriously everyone, I thought I was in for a long day - of sitting by Melissa's hospital bed, making sure she was feeling 100% before I left. When the nurse came to get myself and another of Melissa's friends from the waiting room - saying Melissa was out of surgery, I walked around the corner expecting to see a zonked Melissa on the stretcher and she was sitting there wide-eyed, joking, coherent as can be!

All I know is that I will not be afraid to have my wires taken out if it comes to that, although I asked Melissa's surgeon how many people end up having their wires come out and he said less than 5%. Good news although he (her surgeon looked like a GQ Magazine model) can take my wires out any time!! Kidding!!!! :D :D

Melissa, make sure you get some rest today!! Glad everything went so smoothly!! I was happy that I could be there for you.

Christina L.
So glad it went off like a piece of cake. With your positive attitude, how could it dare not to?