Well-known member
Just realized its been 3 years since my mitral valve repair. Dec 27. I celebrated by almost forgetting. So these days I am running about 20+ miles a week. I bike. Swim and do a bunch of other things. Went surfing Xmas eve in the frosty North Atlantic. Just me and some seals. Great waves. I do my truatons and road races. Have to remember to sign up before the big races close out. The only major disappointment this year was the Giants. Eli has to get his mojo back. I decided not get get too caught up with trying to be so thin and fit didn't miss many opportunities to meet up with friends over the holidays. Many a pint! Ill get back on the straight and narrow after the new year. I guess the long and short of it thing were very bad for me at one point. I was not the least worried about heart surgery because I knew I was in trouble if this couldn't be addressed. And even now I am still making gains in terms of speed and endurance. Sorry I do t visit here as much these days. But it's kinda nice to get your life back...really