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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2005
Hi, I don't know if everyone knowsthis , but Shaun White, who got gold in the snowboard 1/2 pipe was born w/ TOF and had 2 heart surgeries when he was little, he also is a skateboarder and is the only athlete, to compete in both the summer and winter X games. Lyn
Kewl. I saw he won the halfpipe. Darn CNN - they post that stuff before it's on TV and I never learn to stay off the site until I've watched the games.

Hope that kid isn't on coumadin. The way he flies is something else. Do most tof kids have mechanical valves?
most of the kids I know have tissue. I'm pretty sure he's not on coumadin, since he also was a stuntman at the age of 10, Lyn
That's very cool! And makes me think of the HBO movie I just saw, "Something the Lord Made". The first heart surgeries were performed on TOF babies. We've come a long way!
EXCELLENT...and I was just watching the winter Olympics too cool down due to our sudden arrival of a heat-wave...

this is the sort of stuff my hubby and boys need to see and know, that there is life after AVR!;) :D ...
knightfan2691 said:
Very cool! Thanks for posting this here, too, Lyn :).

Hmm....guess I know what I need to do to "get the babes" (according to Shawn, that is) ... get onto the Olympic team ;).

He he he

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/quilt.html
"Why can't that be me?" ... 3 Doors Down ... 'If I Could Be Like That'

I don't think you have to get onto an Olympic team; just buy yourself a snowboard, and hang out with the boarders!:)

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