OMG ... Olive Tapenade on hard toast YUMMO ... has to be good for you, all that olive oil and garlic
... New to TheChimp and I bet it's good for the pumbing
Olive oil and garlic will keep more than the intestines running.....LOL
It is well documented that smelly chimp breath will repel goats.....LOL LOL
Uh......brush and floss with what...????![]()
what is that stuff? don't believe they make it down here in the south. is it anything like gravy to sop?
I'll cook with olive oil, but I don't like green or black olives from the jar....yuck. So, does this Olive Tapenade taste more like the oil or true olives? I can handle the garlic.
Yummy Yes!!! Salty!! Oh my, yes!!! So watch the salt content of other things you have during the day so you don't send your blood pressure sky high!
Another wonderful accompaniment to the toast is finely chopped wonderful summer tomatoes, fresh basil and olive oil, salt and pepper.
You can shell out about $100 and buy a panini press for your very own kitchen. I have a Krups. Be sure it is hinged in back so that it presses level on hefty sandwiches. Yummy, yummy!!!
Yummy Yes!!! Salty!! Oh my, yes!!! So watch the salt content of other things you have during the day so you don't send your blood pressure sky high!
Another wonderful accompaniment to the toast is finely chopped wonderful summer tomatoes, fresh basil and olive oil, salt and pepper.
You can shell out about $100 and buy a panini press for your very own kitchen. I have a Krups. Be sure it is hinged in back so that it presses level on hefty sandwiches. Yummy, yummy!!!
WE had alot of plum tomatoes this years so a couple times I've roasted them (with salt.pepper, garlic, Olive oil and a tiny amount of balsomic vinegar and used the roasted tomatoes, w/ the oil oil, basal ect on the toast, also use thin slices of real mozzarella (the stuff floating in water) too
Thank you, I forgot about the balsamic vinegar. Safeway makes a lovely sweetish organic kind. And yes, the real (is it buffallo -- as in a town, not the animal) mozzarella is fantastic (Costco carries little loaves and the floating kind too).
And Cooker.... yes! the George Forman! My Krups was a holiday gift or I'd have certainly bought the George. My son (27) makes everything in his. They are a great product.
Happy healthy eating!