ok, Im just thinking out loud..

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But, after reading of the Peterson case being put on hold... a man hiding (so to speak) in a mental institution,after killing his wife and dumping her with the garbage, therefore already building a lack of mental capacity as a defense... and now a GROWN MAN , inspiring or hiring teenagers or whatever to kill ..beat to death with baseball bats..six people in Fla, because of an x box???? Calling them animals is in insult to the animal kingdom... I do not believe I can honestly put a vernacular to how I feel.
I can honestly understand the deaths that occur in some urban jungles..for a jacket or shoes.. I really can.. the law of the land ..strongest prevail, ..and are punished,
the homeless..they have it so bad..so I can see how a death could occur in a battle for survival.
But, the past few weeks ..this isnt what is happening,
And human lives can just be swung away, swish... gone..
I wonder , what will be next.

My heart aches that my grankids will be in a world so evil. And my heart hopes that some will see this evil, and conquer it with good.
Enough of me ..as I stated..thinking out loud..
We had a kid here shot in the face and killed over a Starter jacket not all that long ago. The world as we know it, is not a nice place at all.
I think it got

I think it got

to me because the restuarant involved was a Burger King..I work forBK.(retired now)..I have sent employees to check employees a thousand times over the years, Ive picked ppl up and taken them home...it bothers me that this has happened..bothers me deeply...
It's not really a new thing though...

Once upon a time the "American Public" was in shock after hearing of a teenager that shot another teenager over a pair of basketbal shoes...

It happens, far too often, because a lot of parents just aren't teaching their children to be respectful of others either through inaction (and neglect?) or bad rolemodeling...

A lot more kids out there lack the respect they should have for other people and their property because they haven't been respected and care for much themselves. It's a hard cycle to break too and it doesn't neccesarily just come from parents. Lack of funding for programs in schools don't send a very good message to kids either.

I'm really against the idea of having kids raise money for school activities, sports uniforms, or whatever. I think that stuff should be funded through the school budget, even if that means higher taxes. Telling a child you can't participate in a sport or have a special art or music class/experience because there isn't enough money to pay for it is wrong. Kids are the future and they have to be provided for, whatever the cost.

The Xbox thing is terrible in and of itself, but as a reflection on today's society, it's nothing really new and it's just a manifestation of how we generally are lacking in providing for our kids and teaching them right and wrong.
I heard about the killings in Florida on the news today. It really makes me wonder what this world is coming to. Seems as though we're breeding a society of selfish morons, who will take whatever they want, by whatever means they can. No one wants to work for anything, they want to win it, or steal it.

However, I don't know how many times I've heard a parent say something along the lines of "if you don't stop bugging your sister, you're going to get a spanking!". Doesn't that teach kids that violence is the way to get what you want? Dunno, now I'M just thinking out loud.