Are you weighing yourself every day? I think this is an area that is too often overlooked, and it is an easy way to know if you're getting in trouble with your fluid retention. Nancy said that they look for a five pound increase with Joe while my cardio said no more than 2 pounds with me.
As Nancy says, limiting your sodium is critical. I think it's possible to believe you're limiting your intake, but unless you're actually reading labels and recording all food and beverages, there's alot more sodium in our daily meals than we think. I was loathe to adopt a very low sodium diet, but I did in order to reduce my reliance on diuretics. I am very fearful of damage to my kidneys as a result of taking them, so the fear has helped make a believer of me in regards to NO SALT!
If you can get a moderate amount of exercise each day, that also helps.
Have you been sitting more at work, or gone on any long car trips?
I hope you figure out what has triggered this episode, and then take steps to prevent its happening again.
Hang in there!