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I've had Doctors show up pretty much like that before.
I'm not sure why I'm laughing...
There's a vascular surgeon I won't name who doesn't wear that suit but I cringe just laying eyes on him - he is rough taking a bandage off a very angry incision site to check it, he's punitive when you're lying there in the ER with a dead arm and lecturing you about LAST YEAR'S event with same arm ("You can't cause a clot lying on that arm, I keep trying to tell you that!" based on my remarks from a year before!). He harped at me about artery wall spams when the real issue ended up being scar tissue from the embolectomy of a year ago. A simple test that day would've proven what was going on with my arm. He was SO wrong. I will only work with his associates from here on out.
Whereas my cardiologist and my heart surgeon are hands-on, compassionate, empathetic wonders.
What a difference!