official birthday reminder person?

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
WE NEed an official birthday notifier. Bonnie was always checking birthdays and nearly everybody was remembered. We've missed a couple as noted in a post today. Do we have someone filling Bonnie's job or can we get one? She often emailed me about upcoming birthdays so we could get it started. Blessins........
I thought maybe if we didn't do them, Bonnie would come back.
Ann - several months ago Ross gave the duties to Gina and I (I had M,W,F). Gina was away for a while and others filled in. Cooker also posts b-days when he sees them. I think most of the people get birthday wishes. The rule of thumb was to post messages for those who have been to the board in the last 6 months. So if you see someone on the calendar - check their last activity date. Unfortunately some will fall through the cracks when days start off hectic. I think most current members have been getting a birthday post. If you see someone that hasn't, please feel free to start the thread.

Ponygirlmom's birthday didn't get posted because it wasn't on the calendar at the time.
Mine was'nt posted so I started my own thread. It was on the calendar and on my profile. Felt bad at first but then just took it into my own hands and started my own OHS Birthday. My feelings were hurt at first but I got over it. It really means alot to have this an on going thing with all members if you need any help please let me know...
Mine was'nt posted so I started my own thread. It was on the calendar and on my profile. Felt bad at first but then just took it into my own hands and started my own OHS Birthday. My feelings were hurt at first but I got over it. It really means alot to have this an on going thing with all members if you need any help please let me know...

The birthdays that are on the calendar are belly button old we are and they do not show unless it is in a profile....I don?t think OHS anniversary/birthdays show up anywhere.....
Hey Cooker, What's a Belly Button Birthday??? I'm must be the new kid on the block because I don't know what that means.:rolleyes:
Where else do you put your B-day info if not the profiles and calendar?
We're speaking of our real birthdays - the day we were actually born. Our OHS anniversary or birthdays are something that the individual member posts themselves since there isn't a format here that puts those types of dates on the calendar.
Mine was'nt posted so I started my own thread. It was on the calendar and on my profile. Felt bad at first but then just took it into my own hands and started my own OHS Birthday. My feelings were hurt at first but I got over it. It really means alot to have this an on going thing with all members if you need any help please let me know...

I remembered!!! :)
The birthdays that are on the calendar are belly button old we are and they do not show unless it is in a profile....I don’t think OHS anniversary/birthdays show up anywhere.....

Valve anniversarys aren't displayed on the calendar unless the member puts it there themself. They would have to start their own thread for valve surgery anniversarys.

I looked back, and saw where your birthday, on November 21, didn't have a thread started. I'm sure sorry that it was missed.:(
However, having said that, I will chime in here and say that keeping track of birthdays is a difficult job. If the designated person is on vacation, or sick, or any number of things, then unless it is agreed that someone else will start the threads during that time, birthdays will be missed. That is very unfortunate, and probably what happened in your instance. In addition, I think many of us don't visit the home page (where birthdays are listed) the first thing. I always go to New posts and maybe check back later in the day, but many days, I do not.:eek:

I know how hard it is to keep track of events on the calendar. :eek:Maybe two years ago, Phyllis and I decided (informally and without anyone asking) that we would take responsibility for starting all surgery threads. Up until that time, it was a sometime, hit or miss proposition. Now we alternate weeks, and when one of us is gone, we take the other's week. It is hard and takes planning! It's not uncommon for a new member to join, state that they will have surgery the next week, and suddenly we're scrambling to get the date on the calendar and get a thread started. Phyllis and I send many emails and pm's back and forth to stay on track and make sure no one is missed. Honestly, I can't imagine any ONE person trying to keep track of birthdays. A collective effort by all is always appreciated, and I for one will try to start a birthday thread if I see one hasn't been started. :):):)
I've just never heard of that phase before.. I like it now that I know what it means... Belly Button Birthdays has a nice ring to it. :D
Mary, thanks for that info.. it would take alot of work to keep track of everything. This fourm is growing so fast.. But its the best place to be.
Belly Button Birthday......the day you are born the umbilical cord is cut and creates a Belly Button.

oh. tks for the info. I didn't know either.

Yes, it's hard to keep up. We have grown so much in the past year that lots of things are nigh on to impossible.

We appreciate the dedication of all who pick up and run with the ball. You all know who you are. Thank you from me.