Off to see the wizard ....

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... the wonderful wizard of .... ?
Consult with the cardiothoracic guy tomorrow. I've got my paper with my questions all printed out & I will try not to go all hyper and shrill.
I hope he is a very good wizard. :)
Was quite impressed by this particular wizard. He seemed to be the genuine article & did not talk to me from behind a screen. He seemed down to earth, plainspoken and honest.
Best of all, he appeared quite positive about my prospects without trying to minimize that I present some extra risks because of my left ventricle dysfunction. He says there is an 85-90 per cent chance he will be able to do a repair rather than a replacement. (I dunno if that is something he tells everybody.) He's done a lot of mitral valve surgeries, both at Summit & with Scott Merrick at UCSF.
I will be having more tests in January--another echo, a CTscan, etc.
Not another cardiac cath, however! (Thank you, Lord, for small mercies.)
Also, I will have a consult with a hematologist--surgeon seemed very aware of the potential HIT concern.
There IS, according to him (the surgeon) a lab test for HIT (heparin induced thrombocytopenia), and there are, apparently, other anti-coagulants they can use besides heparin if I cannot tolerate it. So far so good.
Surgery in February????
I feel pretty good about all this, much calmer and more positive than I have in some time.
This board has been a great help. Thank you all.
Great news Marge! Sounds like your going to be in good hands, with a whole lot of prayers from the rest of us. I was so confident and content with my surgeon. It really helps to have that kind of confidence. Between God and my surgeon, I knew things were going to be just fine.

Merry Christmas ... Mark :cool:
Great news, Marge. Nice to know this won't be hanging over your head for much longer. By the way, we have another member who cannot take Heparin. It is Joann of John & Joann. Just thought you might like to know that.
If ever a wever a wiz there was this wizard of oz is one because,because,because,because,because.because.....because of the wonerful work he does!
We are`all rooting for you