Ocular disturbances / Coincidence

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Jay F

Hello everyone! Just saw threds on Oculars and wanted to add some info. For the past 17 or so yrs I would get what would be considered the Aura for approx 30 - 40 min with either a periferal fuzzy or grey loss of vision or a flashing blinking light type that would slowly make its way around to the full fields of vision but maybe only spotty. Close either eye and see the same thing in either eye and always slowly gone within 30 - 40 minutes. This could happen 2x in one week and maybe not for a month or 1 time per day a few days in a row.

In other words: totally intermittent. never found a trigger although I did notice sometimes. in a sharp lighting or blinding lighting situation. No neurologist could see a problem. Also I never got the classic dibilitating Migrane afterward, only a dull or sometimes mild headache. I was a regular smoker but only a couple a day and occassional cannabis user. Here's Something intersting: 9 months ago I started a job in the Information Technology field that I would consider on the stressful side and since then I have had only one Ocular........Strange.

And of course now I am here because one month ago after noticing palps I figured go get checked out and they diagnosed me with AI. Funny how symptoms slowly surfaced and Oculars suddenly dissapeared. Anyway, I'd be curious to see what happens throughout post op...... I'll keep you all informed

Thursday is the day...:rolleyes: .. Peace to all Pre and Post!! Jay :p
While your auras last longer than most, they are otherwise on target for atypical or occular migraines, including the fact that you seldom or never get the classic headache (thus "atypical"). Plainly, you've looked into it over the years.

Mine are shorter-lived, but similar in nature. I have a particular gray blob "spacehip" shape that recurs every time. Occasionally, I've seen the classic "fortification" with a stained-glass effect. I've not had one in quite a while, though.

Best wishes,
I have the flashers - they come suddenly. I used to know that I would get a headache and would lie down to try to divert it. Sometimes it worked. Now I don't always get a headache.

Best wishes to you on Thursday - watch out for the truck - don't sneeze. GODSPEED!
Twice I awoke from a nap and everything had a nice lime green tint to it. Kind of freaked me out but it went away in about 20 minutes. Mentioned it to the cardio with the assurance that there could be no self imposed reason for it.:D He seemed unconcerned.

Hi Jay! My goodness....you sound wonderful for someone 3 days away from surgery! You will have a great trip! Keep that spirit!

I have had occular migraines, without the headache, forever, I think! At least since high school. Mine last exactly 22 minutes. Sometimes, if I'm driving, I have to pull over, but otherwise, I just let them play through like a bad commercial.

Don't be surprised if they come back with a vengeance just after your surgery. Mine got very intense and frequent. I also get the "spaceship" thing which BobH mentions, although mine is just a boring rectangle that chops into the upper right corner of my left eye. Sometimes that precludes a double vision whammy......really hate those!

Even though we are all experiencing them....please be SURE to mention any you may experience to your appropriate doctor. That there are TIA's post surgery is a real thing, and you should let your attending physician determine what is going on should they occur in you. Okay?? :D

I will be flying down to SFO on Thursday......I will look east out the window and send some great vibes out over the clouds. We're under the same sky....they'll get to you!! Good luck!! :)

Jay F said:
Thursday is the day...:rolleyes: Jay :p

You seem to have much more peace now - than a week ago. I am so glad for you. I know that we will all pray for a seamless procedure and recovery for you on Thursday!!!!!

about the vision - I am having trouble most days - most of the day. Mostly after I have been walking around. Full feild of vision, spotty, very bright. Mine have gotten progressively worse. I have been encouraged to read many posts saying they have stopped post surgery.

Best of luck!!!