Numbness in Middle Finger

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For the last week,I've been having numbness on one side of my middle finger.I saw my GP and she said wait 2 more weeks to see if it would go away.Anyone have any possible explanations for this.Otherwise,I have no other symptoms.I'm scheduled for a MRI of my chest tomorrow to check on my aneurysm.I'll give you the results of the MRI later.
I am wondering.....

I am wondering.....

jkn2kids said:
For the last week,I've been having numbness on one side of my middle finger.I saw my GP and she said wait 2 more weeks to see if it would go away.Anyone have any possible explanations for this.Otherwise,I have no other symptoms.I'm scheduled for a MRI of my chest tomorrow to check on my aneurysm.I'll give you the results of the MRI later.

Could it be maybe neuropathy (nerve damage)? Are you diabetic? I am and I have numbness all the time in my fingers.....Just a might want to ask them to check you for diabetes.....

My second question is....could you have overused your middle finger too much? :D :p :D -sorry, I just couldn't resist....anyway, I hope you get to the bottom of it, because I know how frustrating it is to deal with the numbness, and sometimes pain of neuropathy....Take care, Harrybaby:D :D :D :D
For Harry.

For Harry.

First of all, Good luck with your mri jkn2kids. And please inform what ever comes out of the numbness.
Harry(baby), i noticed that you are diabetic. My husband is also. How often do you get numbness and what exactly is the cause for you? Is it the poor circulation? Sorry for asking such personal questions and also for them not being heart related.

Oh Hi Barb....

Oh Hi Barb....

Barb said:
First of all, Good luck with your mri jkn2kids. And please inform what ever comes out of the numbness.
Harry(baby), i noticed that you are diabetic. My husband is also. How often do you get numbness and what exactly is the cause for you? Is it the poor circulation? Sorry for asking such personal questions and also for them not being heart related.


Usually, I have the pain, and not as much the numbness although I do have some numbness in the very tips of my fingers, and it's there all the time, but the pain is much more prominent......sometimes Periferal Neuropathy works the opposite way, instead of numbness, you get extreme pain....I do also have poor circulation because I have Congestive Heart Failure due to Cardiomyopathy and Valve Disease...and don't worry about asking me such personal questions, as I feel that if it helps one, it's worth blabbing about. LOL I hope your hubby's diabetes is under control....Take Care, Harrybaby:D :D :D :D :D
I have numbness in my middle finger, and ring finger. Mine is caused by a mild case of carpal tunnel syndrome, and sometimes ulnar nerve irritation. I can usually shake it out, or do mild stretching in my wrist and fingers. I also use a carpal tunnel brace at night to keep it in the right position while sleeping.

Of course, there are many other reasons for this.
Numbness in the fingers can be caused by a lot of things. I know that before I had my cervical spine surgery, my fingers on my left hand were numb from the middle finger down to the pinkie - that's how my orthopod knew which nerves were compressed and which discs were bulging. Amazing.

A trick to see if a cervical nerve is compressing - lie down and put your arms above your head. See if the numbness/tingling/pain goes away. If it does, it's most likely a nerve compression. Ain't medicine grand?

Harry - my former boss had neuropathy and had the numbness occasionally but mostly the pain but with no "feeling" of his feet. He actually tried to drive once and didn't realize his foot was on the gas, put the car in reverse and sent his brand new jag through into his kitchen. I'll never forget his maid calling me (I was his personal assistant) saying, "Danny, in kitchen!" "Yes, Anna, he's allowed to be in the kitchen - it's his house..." "NO!, the auto and Danny in the kitchen!" "WHAT?" After that he didn't drive anymore. Now he's in jail...but that's a whole 'nother story!