Numbness in the fingers can be caused by a lot of things. I know that before I had my cervical spine surgery, my fingers on my left hand were numb from the middle finger down to the pinkie - that's how my orthopod knew which nerves were compressed and which discs were bulging. Amazing.
A trick to see if a cervical nerve is compressing - lie down and put your arms above your head. See if the numbness/tingling/pain goes away. If it does, it's most likely a nerve compression. Ain't medicine grand?
Harry - my former boss had neuropathy and had the numbness occasionally but mostly the pain but with no "feeling" of his feet. He actually tried to drive once and didn't realize his foot was on the gas, put the car in reverse and sent his brand new jag through into his kitchen. I'll never forget his maid calling me (I was his personal assistant) saying, "Danny, in kitchen!" "Yes, Anna, he's allowed to be in the kitchen - it's his house..." "NO!, the auto and Danny in the kitchen!" "WHAT?" After that he didn't drive anymore. Now he's in jail...but that's a whole 'nother story!