numb leg after heart lung machine

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Mar 12, 2009
West Columbia, SC
Hi, I was put on the heart lung machine through my groin. My upper right leg has been numb ever since. Is this normal and will I every get feeling back in my leg?????
I had this same thing, it seems like my right thigh was numb for a while, but it's fine now. I can't remember how long exactly, but in my experience, it was temporary.
I have the same thing, but it seems to be gradually getting sensation back. My neuro told me to put Mederma cream on the insertion and incision sites--it seems to be helping!
JUstin had the bypass thru his leg for his 5th OHS and that was sorer than his sternum, (i remeber him saying that during the nedless laps around the floor)he also had the numb thigh, especially the inner part, it cleared up after a couple months, the numb part kept getting smaller and smaller.
I'm 10 months out, top of leg FINALLY getting some feeling back. I guess it takes time.
I'm also ten months out, and I still have numbness in my right hand. Due to the way the way they stretched me, I suffered a carpal tunnel or brachial plexus injury. A neurologist and hand doctor says the former. The numbness was worse the first five weeks post-op but since then no change. Only surgery will correct it.