Hi Marcia. I had a nuclear stress test pre-surgery (right when they determined I would need surgery within 3 years). Having one post surgery should be very interesting for you, actually! You know what they're looking at!
Basically, for me, they take a baseline "photo" xray (not an echo, I don't think....some special type of machine) of your heart, then they put you on the treadmill til you reach the desired heart rate and they take another one and compare them. You are injected with a radioactive substance prior to both (as I recall) and then lain on a table where they bring the machine to you. They were busy pointing out to me all the nuances on the screen, but I was not well versed at that point (hadn't found this site
) so was clueless.
As far as your shoulder goes....if it is bothering you, it is only going to get worse. I had some miniscus work done on my knees (albeit 6 years ago, prior to knowing I'd need AVR) and was SO relieved afterwards. Didn't realize that I hadn't had to put up with all that pain! I'm a tissue valve, so don't have to worry about coumadin management. BUT....someday you might be in a worse situation and really be ill and need to know how the management thing plays out for you. Wouldn't it be good to use this as a test run and get the kinks out of the system so to speak? Also, you have all the people on this site to help you!
Good luck and keep us posted.
(Oh! and I see from your profile that we share a significant date!!
We'll have to find a way to celebrate together! )