There was a complicated patient at the hospital today so I went in to see her. She has a mechanical valve and a GI bleed. Yesterday there was an order for warfarin and a consultation with a GI doctor to see about a colonoscopy. Since she was bleeding but was at risk for a clot with the valve and might have a colonoscopy, I thought that Lovenox was a better choice than warfarin. So I ordered the switch. While I was there today, the GI doc who was consulted came in. He thanked me for making the change. Then we talked about GI bleeds with NSAIDS. He says that he thinks that people tend to bleed easier with them but that the bleeds are not as serious as those from other causes such as alcohol consumption. He also thinks that the bleeds with NSAIDS tend to heal faster than other kinds. The bottom line was that he was going to watch her over the weekend to see if the bleeding stopped and the colonoscopy could be avoided.