Now This Just Ain't Right!

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Ross said:
April 3rd, 2005 and I have to look at this? 70 two days ago and now winter again!

I think Ohio needs to take the hint and repent!

I'd LOVE to see that and I know my girls would too!

We NEVER EVER get snow here! :(
You have my deepest sympathy Ross

You have my deepest sympathy Ross

Ross said:
April 3rd, 2005 and I have to look at this? 70 two days ago and now winter again!

I certainly know how this is, NH has had it's share of Spring storms, and one year we had snow on May 18th :eek: :eek: Hope the snow melts quickly. Harrybaby :D :( :D
How right you are

How right you are

Ross said:
April 3rd, 2005 and I have to look at this? 70 two days ago and now winter again!

about it not being right.

The local Maple Sugar Festival was scheduled for Saturday. The only thing worse than Saturday is to-day.

The birds (robins, red winged blackbirds and vultures (turkey that is) have all arrived and look miserable. Our feeders are well stocked. Forty-eight hours of strong eastern winds driving the snow.

Next week will be better and the warm trend we had was so welcoming.

Hey Ross

Hey Ross

its Indian winter.. :p

I'm so sorry! Who the heck wants any more snow in April, May or anytime until late next fall! Luckily it's finally warmed up to the 50's & 60's with some 70's sprinkled here the last wek or so. I hope that snow melts soon for you. Not that I'm counting my chickens, I know we can still get snow :( here too, but I sure hope we don't! ;) We certainly don't want to confuse all the birds or upset them! :confused:
We got at least a foot of heavy, wet snow last night. Spent an hour clearing it out of the driveway so I could get the car off the road when we got home from work, also doged a number of downed utility lines (I think they were mostly cabgle lines) and some tree branches. The fire department was a little busy too last night, mostly responding to reports of downed this and that, folks were off the road at that point, though we had at least a dozen cars off the road in seperate incidents.....

I don't like this kind of April Fools joke.... :mad:
we didn't get snow, but it was 30 this morning early. In Florida? you bet. We had storms - thunder, lightning, heavy rains Thursday and Friday - without a letup in sight. We got about 14 or 15 inches of rain. Couldn't get out of our road. bridges out all over. wrecks everywhere. Schools closed. Just like a dang hurricane. Still way better than snow. I am sorry for y'all.

I am NOT amused. :mad:

Went out after dinner (about 6:30pm) to start clearing snow off my car then clear out the driveway so I could get off to work.

About 7pm I try starting my car. Nope, nuttin' nada, no va...

So I start working on clearing out the "backup" car. Get that one cleared out then clear out the drive so I can move that one then start the car.

NOPE! I got it started after a few tries and it was running, then it crapped out on it's own, not enough gas in the tank... Grrrrr.

Hook up charger to my "main" car and go back to clearing more snow from the driveway and said car (It's still snowing pretty good.)

Then I go inside, change into warm, dry clothes, and head back out.

After another series of tries, I get the thing going. Ah, very good. Let it run for a while as I disconnect charger and put it away then off I go.

Two foot "bearm" of snow at the end of the drive (my house shares a long driverway with three others, we each have a short driveway that connects to a private lane which connects to the street) and if I stop I'll get stuck.


Well I actually shifted into first gear and muscled my way through the snow wall then pulled some heavy corrections as the car fishtailed once breaking through to the other side.

Now I'm at work, hopefully the snow won't bury my car too badly in the next 3 hours....

Global warming my A$$!!!!

Try my car first.
Oh yeah, heand shoveling by the way.... Snow blower crapped out the last time I had to use it (a month ago?) and I didn't bother getting it fixed up, figured it could wait until later in the spring when it really warmed up, maybe I'd look at it myself first before sending it off to the small engine repair guys....
Sorry, Ross...

Sorry, Ross...

But I just thought I had to rub in the fact that here in Minne-SNOW-ta we had a beautiful, sunny 70 degree day yesterday. We were over at a friend's house, sitting by the lakeshore and enjoying a campfire and a beer.

It is in the 70's again today, but it's rather windy out. Does that mean in two days we'll get the snow??

Join the club! It was snowing this morning here in Anchorage when I was heading to work, too! Old Man Winter is being a real cranky - you know what!
At least it wasn't April 1st or you would have thought someone played a really big April Fools Joke on you :D :D :D :D

And by the way, glad it wasn't us :) . Have to be careful though. In 1972, while I was in Germany enjoying one of the mildest winters they have ever had, they had 18 inches of snow hit here at home :eek: :eek: . Dad (he was the Sheriff of the County) sent pictures (he had to borrow a 4x4 truck to get around) showing the main road with a set of ruts. You couldn't see the pavement. Of course, Georgia at that time did not have any snow removal equipment so front end loaders and road graders were used to clear as much as possible.

May God Bless,

Finally found a little time to get the photos I shot of that "April Fools joke" off the camera here at the office...

The car on the left is mine, the one that I smashed up a month or so ago while on assignment for the paper. My wife's sitting in the passanger seat in front. I took a break from shoveling to shoot this panoramic with the spiffy new camera (Canon G6) we got at the paper.

That's about one foot of snow, we doubled it by morning.... :eek:

This afternoon it was pushing 68... :rolleyes:
I'll trade ya!

I'll trade ya!

It's April 6, and it's already 90 degrees here. Could be that our first 100 degree day will come in April. I wonder when we will have our first 115 degree day? Maybe in June? Last year we got a break. The temperature dropped below 100 degrees in early October. Anyone want to trade homes with us in August?

Oh man, I'm in heaven today. 78, sunny, beautiful women sun bathing........Tonight, thunderstorms and rain and back to 50! :confused:
It Certainly was georgeous here today...

It Certainly was georgeous here today...

Here in NH it was around 60, and it actually gave me a chance to do something that I have been wanting to try and do...conquor my fear of heights. :eek: :eek: :eek: :D :D Harrybaby
yesterday, we (again) had thunder, lightning, tornadoes, floods (third time in 3 wks). More rain due today. Congratulations to all who have beautiful weather. We all deserve some after winter, don't we.
You yourself didn't have tordadoes did ya Hansy?

You yourself didn't have tordadoes did ya Hansy?

hensylee said:
yesterday, we (again) had thunder, lightning, tornadoes, floods (third time in 3 wks). More rain due today. Congratulations to all who have beautiful weather. We all deserve some after winter, don't we.
Gosh, I hope you didn't have any of those tornadoes (or any of the rotten weather for that matter...) we had a georgeous day yesterday after a miserable weekend, and we are still worried about or rivers flowing over and flooding us, but hopefully that will die down too. Hope all is well with ya hensy, and as you say....Blessins. Harrybaby666 :D :D :D