Normal or not?

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New member
Oct 11, 2010
Gaithersburg MD
I'm a 32 yr old male who just had a mechanical valve put in this past November. For the past week I've been feeling weak and tired throughout the day. Similar symptoms to how I felt before I had my surgery. I'm not sure if it's the hot weather, as it's been in the 90s all week combine with the long work day, or what? Throughout most of this summer I've been playing basketball and tennis a few times a week with no issues, so I'm wondering why I'm feeling like this. Is it normal? Thanks...

You probably know you should consult your doctor.
It well could be nothing but better to be safe.

Hope it turns out to be heat and exertion.
While only your physician/cardiologist can really answer this one, I can say that I did have similar stretches the summer after my surgery, too. Even though I was also quite active at that point, periods of fatigue would pop up and wipe me out. With some more deliberate nutrition and time, those fatigued stretches have passed, though.

If this keeps up at all for you, do schedule some office visits. It's worth having a quick exam to be sure so you can get on any needed changes (medicines, workout routine, rest).

Hi, Anthony. You need to bring this to the attention of your doctor. Are you still taking a Beta-blocker? At about 6 month, I began feeling listless and found that at times my pulse rate was dropping into the 50s robbing me of energy. I also worried that something was dreadfully wrong; after all, surgery was still fresh in my mind. My Cardio said that it was probably a side effect of taking Metoprolol which the surgeon prescribed after the AVR. A month after I stopped taking it, I was feeling better. As Scott says, this may have nothing to do with your heart but you will only know that by discussing it with your doctor.
