RCB said:
If you have heart surgery that involes cutting in to the heart, your chances for A-fib increase.
Do you know what the risk for AF from an isolated AVR are e.g. 20% or 80%. Where could I find out about this risk? I'm having an AVR in less than a week and still don't know whether I should have my LAA removed or closed. I do not have AF, nor any of the other risk factors other than aortic stenosis. My only unique situtation is that I have a malabsorption disease that makes oral medication absorption quite unpredictable so managing INR will be difficult if I ever should need coumadin.
Thank you,
I have seen no study that precisely quantifies this, only the statistic that
show AF occurs more often in MVR pts. than AVR pts. There are other factors that cause AF- age, family history, previous attacks of AF and number
of reops to name a few. I never had a hint of AF till my third AVR-they contolled it with drugs till '95 then nothing seems to help, not even an ablation,valvulplasty, MVR and a Maze(which included the removal of the LAA). If this is your first AVR, I think your chance are small(a guess would be under 10%) that you would get AF. The general thinking at this time, is to remove it while they are in there( the same as if you have bowel surgery they remove the appendix). Here is an interesting article:
Good luck on your choice!