Well I'm back home from the hospital and I did not think I would be posting this soon.Let me give you the story: Surgery time was for 12:00 noon today,they wheeled my mom into the pre op room at 11:00, I went into the waiting area, in the waiting area they gave me a pager incase the surgeon wanted to contact me I was there no more then 30 min and I got a beep! I flew to the phone they provided and the surgeon told me that they had to cancel her operation, he said that once they inserted the heart catheder she went into a bad a-fib and her bloodpressure dropped to dangerous levels and it stayed like that for quite some time and they were going to shock her if it continued, but thank god it went back to a normal
heart rate.. The surgeon later told me that he did not know what caused it that sometimes the catheder can do that to the system but when that happens they usualy pull it out and it goes back to normal right away and in my mom's case stayed in defib and he was'nt sure what caused it. Sorry about my writing but I am sooo exhausted .. Has this happened to anyone else?? Hopefully tomorrow I'll find out more so for now I am going to bed and hoping that my head feels better tomorrow.
heart rate.. The surgeon later told me that he did not know what caused it that sometimes the catheder can do that to the system but when that happens they usualy pull it out and it goes back to normal right away and in my mom's case stayed in defib and he was'nt sure what caused it. Sorry about my writing but I am sooo exhausted .. Has this happened to anyone else?? Hopefully tomorrow I'll find out more so for now I am going to bed and hoping that my head feels better tomorrow.