No surgery for my mom !!

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Well I'm back home from the hospital and I did not think I would be posting this soon.Let me give you the story: Surgery time was for 12:00 noon today,they wheeled my mom into the pre op room at 11:00, I went into the waiting area, in the waiting area they gave me a pager incase the surgeon wanted to contact me I was there no more then 30 min and I got a beep! I flew to the phone they provided and the surgeon told me that they had to cancel her operation, he said that once they inserted the heart catheder she went into a bad a-fib and her bloodpressure dropped to dangerous levels and it stayed like that for quite some time and they were going to shock her if it continued, but thank god it went back to a normal
heart rate.. The surgeon later told me that he did not know what caused it that sometimes the catheder can do that to the system but when that happens they usualy pull it out and it goes back to normal right away and in my mom's case stayed in defib and he was'nt sure what caused it.:confused: Sorry about my writing but I am sooo exhausted .. Has this happened to anyone else?? Hopefully tomorrow I'll find out more so for now I am going to bed and hoping that my head feels better tomorrow.
Sorry to hear that your Mom had those complications. Hopefully you will get a fuller explaination tomorrow and there will be a way they can procede.
I'm so sorry this happened and I hope that you have a satisfactory discussion with the surgeon tomorrow and that there is a way to proceed- prayers and best wishes coming your way.
I have never had a surgery cancelled but I did go into a-fib once during a cardiac cath so it does happen. I required meds to stop it.

I have since had caths without going into a-fib so I am thinking it may not happen again to your mom.

I will be praying for your mom that things go well from here out.
During my cath I developed some serious arrythmia the moment the catheter entered my left ventricle, and for a moment I thought I was going bye bye. While I was lying there I asked what was causing this, and the surgeon told that the catheter sometimes touches the inner wall of the ventricle and "tickles" the heart, causing arrythmia and a-fib in some cases. Perhaps the same mechanism may have caused the a-fib you were talking about, but have you asked when, where, and how this a-fib occured?
Update on my mom

Update on my mom

well yesterday morning I drove up to the hospital hoping to find out exactly what happened in preop and i guess they had given my mother sedation and started threading the cath in and as Dustin said it "tickeled her heart" and it sent her into ventriculer -vib which they were able to stop with Amiodarone (Thank the good lord)!! So now she taking 400mg twice a day and she also has a new surgery date Febuary 3rd. Here we go again!! I asked the Dr. Dalcol (the surgeon) what the chances are of that happening again and he said that next time he is going to put her to sleep before all the lines go in and that the amiodarone will put a stop to the ventriculer and arterial vib. I am praying that this will not happen again, it is so scary just going through all of this and then to have to stop everything and start all over again is just the pits;) Well now the waiting begins again.. Thanx for all of your replies..

Hugs for now, Carolyn
I put her back on the calendar for the 3rd and we will all be praying and wishing her a successful go of it this time. Our best wishes to you both!
Pyillis, I am sorry i goofed when I wrote Febuary 3 it is Febuary 2nd my mind hasn't been right these past couple of days:D
ultimategirl63 said:
Pyillis, I am sorry i goofed when I wrote Febuary 3 it is Febuary 2nd my mind hasn't been right these past couple of days:D
It's corrected on the calendar- no problem. Who can blame you for being stressed and confused at this point! We will be thinking of you both.