No Love for the Heart Hugger?

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Several of the wonderful folks on here recommended highly that I order a Heart Hugger for my OHS (aortic valve and root replacement) scheduled for February 16. So I did and it has arrived. However, I was somewhat taken aback when I called the clinic at the hospital today to confirm my pre-op visit on Monday (Valentine's Day) and I mentioned that I had gotten a Heart Hugger. The person on the other end of the phone (don't know if she was an administrator or a nurse) seemed rather negative about me having gotten this -- I had asked about bringing it in Monday so someone might help get the straps adjusted correctly. Oh no, she said, we supply a pillow. Well, you folks have said the Hugger is 10 times more help than a pillow, and I believe you. Maybe she was just being defensive because she'd never heard of an HH?

So should I bring the Hugger with me anyway when I go to the hospital, or should I just save it for when I come home? Don't want the people taking care of me to think I'm some kind of troublemaker or rocker of boats, or (yikes!) excessive hugger of a heart (albeit my own) -- and on Saint Valentine's Day at that. :)

In general, I am trying to be cool about this first-ever surgery for me (you know, Mr. Macho Man and all that) but in truth I have nerves of jelly. :eek:
I still fret about the breathing tube, even though many of you helped me with that last week. Maybe I should tell the nurses about that concern at pre-op and they'll put some happy juice in my IV? (I am such a wimp.)

Oh me, oh my.

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I'd take it with you anyway. You paid for it and as far as I can see, it's more beneficial then any pillow to hug. I can tell you all about pillow hugging but I cannot tell you about the hugger. :(

I think someone has no clue what it is and is pretending that they do! ;)
I think Ross may have hit it...

The Heart Hugger is new, and likely most hospital folks have never heard of it or seen it.

The only questions I have would be whether it would be in the way for electrical leads from the monitors you must wear after the operation, and whether it would cover the incision during the first few days of healing. Those things might dictate using it later, if it interferes.

Oh, yes: they give you lots of chest xrays in the hospital to check the lungs and to show that they removed various things (drains, etc.) as they go along. You might have to remove it for each of those if it creates a shadow on the film.

I used nothing (not even a pillow), so I have seen nothing more than pictures of the HH. I don't know what areas it covers.

And no, you won't "bust open" without a Heart Hugger or a pillow, although it might feel that way on occasion. ;)

Best wishes,
The hosp supplied one for me but this was before there was such a thing as the HH. Everyone here in VR has praise for the HH so it must be good. You should be able to take anything you want with you if it helps. If a family member is going to be with you maybe they could bring it day two or three. You WILL need a pillow and all the extra help you can get. Heck, you might even teach them a thing or three.
Bring it with you. It'll probably get in the way during your stay in the hospital and they'll most likely not want you to wear it there, but it might come in very handy when you are discharged and are facing the ride home. I remember Joe wincing with every small bump in the road.
Bionic Bob Please take your heart hugger!!

Bionic Bob Please take your heart hugger!!

OK Here I go again on my heart hugger soap box ( I think I like it so much since I am short and it makes me taller :D ) But seriously now. I don't think the person you talked to at the hospital has a clue what a heart hugger is. It is a relatively new device and a lot of people are skeptical of trying new things. I can you that it doesn't get in the way of any of the wire, tubes etc. It doesn't cover your incision (except when you squeeze the handles together AKA using it). It is a very helpful device that you will benefit most from when you are at your sorest. The hospital where Jeff had his surgury put it on him when he was moved from the ICU. It helps you when you cough, sneeze, get up, sit down or pretty much anytime you need to move.

The person you talked to at the hospital probably thought you had some type of home made bulky device. Once they see it they may change their tune. I say take it with you. You are the one having surgery and you are the one who need to made the most comfortable. If they are threatened by the fact that you were able to find something to make you more comfortable after your surgery that what they can provide then too bad for them. ( sorry for the majorly long sentence!!)

I will be thinking of you and praying all goes well with your surgery!!


I will speek to you from personal Heart Hugger Experience. My surgery was Oct 18th 2004 This was my second such surgery. The first was with a pillow only. This device made my recovery so much easier that I needed no pain pills and was back to work within 3 weeks after (of cource that was against my docs wishes and a very easy job)

With that said, here is what i think the problem is. You asked the person you talked with (who was probably a staff memeber and not a medical proffesional) if they would size it for you. You may have sent the liability issue into full swing and she answered in her best lawyer frame of mind.

The heart hugger should have come with instructions and maybe a video. I would follow those instructions or call the fine people at heart hugger. visit Make sure you are comfortable with it and its comfortable on you. Then take it with you, worse case have a family member help you in it once you are back in your room. Thats were you will need it most.

I would include your cardio and or surgeon in this. Bring the video for them to watch and inform them about the device. It is new and some havent heard of it.

It will not get in the way of the tubes, wires, xrays etc. It is designed to be comfortable and not in the way. Its velcro strap in the front fits loosely and allows easy access to the chest area.

This is your life and they cant tell you you cant use it. Give someone medical power of attorney to make sure your wishes are carried out. For the HH and other decisions you may need to make.

I will be praying for you as will everyone here. I have been real busy at work since getting back to work so I dont get on here as much as I should. But my wife Michelle (momshell) is on here everyday and tells me if there is something i should address. If you need ANYTHING just yell. Ill be here!

Please take it with you. I'm going to order one for my surgery, and I'm not wanting to listen to any negative medical attitude.
You can let me know your experience, and then I'll be ready when I go. :D :D


You guys are the greatest! I'll definitely take the Hugger with me. I'll enlist my wife to help me get it fitted tonight. I bet there will be friendly nurses there who will be familiar with it or who will have an open mind. In any event, I'll definitely take it and have family members standing by with it. Thanks for the great advice.


Where did you order your heart huggger from? After having gone through all of the above posts, this really interests me. If it means less discomfort, I definitely want to look into it.


BionicBob said:
You guys are the greatest! I'll definitely take the Hugger with me. I'll enlist my wife to help me get it fitted tonight. I bet there will be friendly nurses there who will be familiar with it or who will have an open mind. In any event, I'll definitely take it and have family members standing by with it. Thanks for the great advice.

Ordering Heart Hugger

Ordering Heart Hugger


Ross is right on it (as usual) with the right info. Just go to their website and you'll find the ordering info. If you call, a real person answers the phone. In fact, I got the same real (and helpful) person when I called back with a question. Good luck!


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