April, someone's sure leaving an awful lot to chance with you.
Congrats on getting disability.
In a nutshell, be careful of leafy greens - spinach, lettuce (particularly dark green lettuce), broccoli, V8 juice, grapefruit juice. You can eat these (altho I'd forego the V8 and grapefruit juice) but you need to know that they all lower the inr. So use in moderation and be consistent in the amount you eat.
Alcohol increases the inr, so if you wish to drink, keep it at one drink per day and also be consistent.
The consistency in your eating habits of these things means your dosage of coumadin will be adjusted to account for them.
Also - NO ASPIRIN (other than aspirin therapy if it's been prescribed) or NSAIDS. And tylenol is OK, but understand that it tends to increase the inr if used a lot.
I strongly recommend that you visit warfarinfo.com - it's a very informative site and you'll be able to print off food lists, etc.
You need to watch any energy bars and drinks and Ensure - most have a lot of vitamin K; multi-vitamins mostly have added Vit. K, too (One-a-day for Women doesn't).
The best way to work with coumadin is to decide how much of the various Vit. K things you're going to eat in a week and then stick to it - that plan will help avoid the wild swinging of your inr that becomes problematic.
As you get better after surgery and start exercising more, you'll probably need to increase your coumadin dosage, so don't let that upset you - you'll be increasing the circulation in your liver so you'll metabolize the coumadin more efficiently.
Good luck. It really isn't as hard as it sounds.