news on Terri

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My heart is breaking. I am even sadder that her parents weren't with her. I am happy that her suffering is over.

Terri - rest in peace.
Not to start any more problems, but this is total B.S. Her parents should have at least been afforded the right to be with her in her final moments.

"Thursday morning, O' Donnell said that Schiavo was in her final hours of life, and police have prohibited her blood relatives from spending time with her."

I do hope some major changes occur from all of this. No one should have to endure this type of stuff.
Agreed. That's just adding insult to injury. Is there no compassion left in this world? I pray for healing in the hearts and minds of her family. I would be about crazy by now, I think.
Poor woman, may she rest in peace. Her legacy will be that many Americans now are thinking about their final exit, and are making provisions for living wills, advance directives, appointment of power of attorney, etc. She didn't die in vain.

What's the deal with the police keeping her parents away from her deathbed? Did they keep her husband away, too? And by what authority?
This has and will continue to be a learning experience for the country. Hopefully good will come out of this very sad situation.

I'm somewhat understanding, but sad, about why the family wasn't allowed into the room for her last moments. The husband was with her and given the incredible amount of animosity between the 2 parties, I'm sure there was concern that it could have escalated into an ugly scene. However, not being able to be with my Mom or my Dad in their last moments, I totally understand that kind of pain.

Be at peace Terri.
Having walked more than my share of folks to their death, as a hospice volunteer and as a family member, I can only say that YOU KNOW NOT THE HOUR OR THE MINUTE.

"I don't know, but I sure hope that if nothing else, they can sue the crap out of someone for that. That is just plain wrong."

Please, please, please don't start a massive debate on the parents being "kept away" at the final minute of death. Unless one of these folks has a direct line into God, there was no way either party could know when the last breath would come, and it was a matter of chance Michael had been there and not the parents - and the option of both parties being in the room at the same time was NOT an option (unless we wanted three people dead).
MelissaM said:
Having walked more than my share of folks to their death, as a hospice volunteer and as a family member, I can only say that YOU KNOW NOT THE HOUR OR THE MINUTE.

"I don't know, but I sure hope that if nothing else, they can sue the crap out of someone for that. That is just plain wrong."

Please, please, please don't start a massive debate on the parents being "kept away" at the final minute of death. Unless one of these folks has a direct line into God, there was no way either party could know when the last breath would come, and it was a matter of chance Michael had been there and not the parents - and the option of both parties being in the room at the same time was NOT an option (unless we wanted three people dead).
No, I agree fully Melissa, no need for debate. Just a momentary feeling outburst on my part. I really do hope everyone learns something out of this whole tragic situation.
I wish for Terri's sake, she should have been able to die in dignity without all the legal battles. That's the beauty of living wills. I heard today on the news that the battle continues about her final resting place. Hopefully she will finally be able to be at peace soon.
I am going to stay quiet (shocker ain't it) except to say that I hope Terri was in a peaceful environment when she passed. I am trying my best to not react to all the news programs that are saying her parents wanted to go in but were refused entrance by Michael. You would think, at least at the very end, they could have managed to be with her together no matter what the conflicts.

I am happy that all the web pages I have seen so far, regarding the news of her death, have that beautiful picture of her smiling face and not some tragic picture of her in her last years.

How utterly sad this whole thing has been.
It is NOT going to become a debate or this thread is over! It was a mistake on my part. One where I should have thought a little more before hitting reply, but you know what? I'm human too!
I didn't keep my mouth shut and I regret that once again. I need to learn a little more about holding my emotions in check. I no longer want to alter posts so I won't, but I regret the comments about the conflicts. Sorry. :eek:
geebee said:
I didn't keep my mouth shut and I regret that once again. I need to learn a little more about holding my emotions in check. I no longer want to alter posts so I won't, but I regret the comments about the conflicts. Sorry. :eek:

A lot of us have regretted a lot lately. I guess we're not alone. To borrow from, and alter, your quote Geebee "just think of the people we wouldn't have met if it weren't for our big mouths (or fingers)." Still glad to know you all here at
Finally, Teri is no longer suffering and is in a better place.

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