Hi, My name is Maureen. I am 40 yrs old and have recently come accross this excellent site. I'll try to keep this short!. I was diagnosed with MVP at age 22. Told not to worry...no meds needed although I was occassionally short of breath climbing stairs/hills etc. At age 27 I had my beautiful daughter. Afterwards I felt that my symptoms were getting worse. Short of breath, feeling faint/weak. Found a Cardiologist who did a TEE and said there was slight leakage from Mitral Valve but thought we should wait and see! More years passed and the symptoms slowly got worse. Last year I saw a different Cardiologist ( due to moving house/location ). He did a stress test and at the end I felt quite sick/faint, feeling that I was very familiar with and always attributed to the MVP. He didn't seem interested in discussing the MVP and ordered an angiogram. The result was clear and basically he dismissed me and said "come back in a year for a check-up"!! I waited another few months and then asked to be referred to another Cardiologist as I couldn't bear to go back to him. Saw the new guy 2 months ago. He read out the referral letter and there was no mention of MVP...I should point out that I only realised this AFTER I had left his office!. Anyway he decided to do a carotid artery massage as I had been having symptoms of weakness/slowing of heart rate when I had my head in certain positions. Had the test and the Dr who did it said it was fine. While she was reading my chart, she mentioned that the last echo on file was "clear". I said I had MVP and how could I have a clear eacho? Her answer.."loads of people are told they have MVP when really they don't..there's nothing wrong with them, it all depends on how you view the echo results" !!!
I have an appt tomorrow with the cardio to get the "official" results from the Carotid Massage. Obviously I am going to bring up the subject of MVP!
My reason for posting is:
Has anyone out there had "clear" echos after they have been diagnosed with MVP?
Do your symptoms "come and go". One day I feel ok and the next I am out of breath for the least little thing, especially if I have been very active the previous day.
Sorry for rambling on but this last Dr has made me feel like I'm imagining everything! I am only 40 years old and some days I feel like 80. I am dreading tomorrow's appt as I'm afraid that I will clam up while I'm there and walk away without answers. You guys seem to get so much info from your test results etc. Over here we get nothing except "clear" or "problem".
I'll let you know how I get on.
I have an appt tomorrow with the cardio to get the "official" results from the Carotid Massage. Obviously I am going to bring up the subject of MVP!
My reason for posting is:
Has anyone out there had "clear" echos after they have been diagnosed with MVP?
Do your symptoms "come and go". One day I feel ok and the next I am out of breath for the least little thing, especially if I have been very active the previous day.
Sorry for rambling on but this last Dr has made me feel like I'm imagining everything! I am only 40 years old and some days I feel like 80. I am dreading tomorrow's appt as I'm afraid that I will clam up while I'm there and walk away without answers. You guys seem to get so much info from your test results etc. Over here we get nothing except "clear" or "problem".
I'll let you know how I get on.