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Jul 22, 2010
Harrisonburg, VA
I have been browsing around on here for almost a year now and figured it was time I introduced myself. Its great to have support from people who have been where I have. This is a link to my story.

Since writing that I have gone into pretty constant A-fib, I have had 2 unsuccessful cardioversions and rhythm control meds that didn't work either. I am very symptomatic and am struggling to keep my fast paced full time job while dealing with all of this. I am scheduled for an ablasion at the end of October but the docs haven't given me the best odds considering the very large size of my left atria and all my prior heart problems. For the most part Ive kept my head up but it's really frustrating to think that I might have to live with this because it is severely affecting my quality of life. I went into this last surgery thinking it would be an easy valve replacement, nothing like my first surgery and I would be good for 10 years or so. Unfortunately it has turned into a 10 month ordeal. I am looking forward to the ablasion in hopes that it works and I can get back to normal but I am also dreading it for fear that this could be life long which opens up a whole new chapter of issues. Any comments, advice or questions would be much appreciated, and thanks for all the support and info that this site offers!:)
Wish I could offer some advice Tara. I just wanted say Welcome to the forum.
The weekend can be a little slow, but hopefully someone will be around soon to help you out.
Without knowing what medications you have tried, it's hard to suggest any specific alternatives to consider with your Cardiologist.

Have you been working with an ElectroPhysiologist? or a 'general' Cardiologist?
I have a regular cardiologist, a valve specialist, and since the Afib and EP as well. Initially they tried a cardioversion as I was already on metoprolol and had a pacemaker from the heart block. That was successful for a few days and then I went back into Afib. Then we tried Tikosyn, I was admitted to the hospital to start it and cardioverted again the last day of my stay because the medicine hadn't converted me on its own. I went into normal rhythm for a few minutes and then right back into A-fib. So the game plan decided after that was an ablasion while taking amiodorone for 3 months to help the heart heal and give me a better chance at staying in NSR( yes I am WELL aware of the nasty side effects of this drug and only agreed to it because of the short period of time I will be on it). So for the past 4 months I have been on a wait list for the head of the Afib clinic to do the procedure to hopefully give me a better shot at it being successful.
Tara -

You have certainly been seen by a variety of specialists for your arrhythmia issues!

I'm wondering why they did not try SOTALOL which has worked well for several of our members in controlling A-Fib. According to my Cardio, Sotalol "targets" A-Fib. The manufacturer recommends being hospitalized when beginning this medication 'just in case' a dangerous arrhythmia is triggered while your body adjusts to it.

'AL Capshaw'
Sotalol was mentioned but they seemed more confident to have better results with Tikosyn, which didnt happen. From the very beginning I wanted an ablation. Im 26 and do no want to be medicated for years because of this in particular the blood thinners. When I had my replacement I opted for a tissue valve to avoid coumadin as I had not yet had children(something I dont want to give up) but ended up with afib and on coumadin anyway(very frustrating). If there is a possibility that they can ablate it and get me into NSR thats what I want. It helps that I had a pacemaker already before this started so its pretty much been my own little recorder for all the afib events which have been pretty common. I am also starting to experience rare episodes of v-tach. So I guess if the ablation doesn't work then after that I will do the med hoping to find out which ones make me the most comfortable. Thanks again for the welcomes and input.
I understand how A-fib can affect your quality of life- been there, done that. It ain't fun. But it sounds like you are in good hands. Hang in there and just deal with each day as it comes. Seek some help and daily support from those close to you. It sounds like you have the ablation to look forward to and hopefully it resolves your issues. Keep us informed and we'll be thinking and praying for a positive outcome.