Howdy all... I've been lurking around here for the past couple of weeks and read about so many experiences with valve issues and replacement. I'm not living vicariously mind you..rather trying to make sense of the events in my life since the second week of January.
I've had heart issues for some time having been diagnosed with coronary artery disease at 29; I had an artherectomy with stent at age 40 (1998). There is a strong history of heart issues in my family so a few years ago I got "religion" about diet and exercise - lost almost 90lb and did cardio and strength training 4-5 times a week. I always figured that CAD would get me to the OR and never imagined valve issues.
I've had a murmur since I was a kid - an "innocent" murmur was what my Mom called it and said I would grow out of it. Never thought much about it as I was growing up. I recall when they did the cath for the stent that the doc commented about my "small aorta"; they had to pull out the catheter and use a smaller one. I always figured he was talking about the aorta.
Anyway, I've been fine since 1998 and with no issues, lost real contact with a cardio and had only a few tests in the interim - a cath in 2004 that was negative and an echo in 2006 which I was told was negative(although negative for what?). I dont go to the docs unless I am sick so usual visit is to get my yearly scrips for maintainance meds. I called in mid Jan and expected no trouble getting refils. They called and said I had to see the doc to get refills; I went and he gave me heck and started to read my file. I was a new pt to him (he took over my old MD's practice) and started to ask more and more questions about my heart. He listened and then asked "Did you know you have a murmur?"; I told him I had it since childhood. He said he wanted a couple of tests - a transthoracic echo and a stress-echo. The echo was on Tuesday; the stress-echo was scheduled for Wednesday. As we were getting ready to go Wed am the docs office called and said the stress was cancelled and that I needed to see a cardio asap.
I saw the cardio and he said that I had aortic stenosis, bicuspid valve with an estimated 1cm2 area and mean pressure gradient about 27mm. He bluntly said to expect surgery in about 1-2 years. He also said he wanted to do a TEE to get a better look at the valve. I was a bit shocked at the finding and at suddenly needing surgery but a year or two from now was at least time to prepare.
I went to the TEE and he told me after the test ( or at least my DW said he told me ) that he now estimates aortic area at .8cm2 and that he expects surgery within 2-3 months.
I have always had issues with stamina even as a kid. I could never run fast; I can walk all day long. Even after sessions with a personal trainer, I never had stamina for high output for long period; low output I can go forever. Now maybe there really is a reason for this. Maybe this will improve post surgery.
I am so glad I found this site but now have so many questions about dealing with the changes, choices and concern. How do I find a surgeon? Will the cardio recommend one? He wants to do a cath? Why? What more does it tell him? How long from cath to surgery? If I want a specific valve (mechanical) can I just tell him or do I have to find a surgeon who works with that valve? I have BAV- how can I ensure that the cardio and surgeon click on matters of aortic defects?
Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Thanks for all your help already!
I've had heart issues for some time having been diagnosed with coronary artery disease at 29; I had an artherectomy with stent at age 40 (1998). There is a strong history of heart issues in my family so a few years ago I got "religion" about diet and exercise - lost almost 90lb and did cardio and strength training 4-5 times a week. I always figured that CAD would get me to the OR and never imagined valve issues.
I've had a murmur since I was a kid - an "innocent" murmur was what my Mom called it and said I would grow out of it. Never thought much about it as I was growing up. I recall when they did the cath for the stent that the doc commented about my "small aorta"; they had to pull out the catheter and use a smaller one. I always figured he was talking about the aorta.
Anyway, I've been fine since 1998 and with no issues, lost real contact with a cardio and had only a few tests in the interim - a cath in 2004 that was negative and an echo in 2006 which I was told was negative(although negative for what?). I dont go to the docs unless I am sick so usual visit is to get my yearly scrips for maintainance meds. I called in mid Jan and expected no trouble getting refils. They called and said I had to see the doc to get refills; I went and he gave me heck and started to read my file. I was a new pt to him (he took over my old MD's practice) and started to ask more and more questions about my heart. He listened and then asked "Did you know you have a murmur?"; I told him I had it since childhood. He said he wanted a couple of tests - a transthoracic echo and a stress-echo. The echo was on Tuesday; the stress-echo was scheduled for Wednesday. As we were getting ready to go Wed am the docs office called and said the stress was cancelled and that I needed to see a cardio asap.
I saw the cardio and he said that I had aortic stenosis, bicuspid valve with an estimated 1cm2 area and mean pressure gradient about 27mm. He bluntly said to expect surgery in about 1-2 years. He also said he wanted to do a TEE to get a better look at the valve. I was a bit shocked at the finding and at suddenly needing surgery but a year or two from now was at least time to prepare.
I went to the TEE and he told me after the test ( or at least my DW said he told me ) that he now estimates aortic area at .8cm2 and that he expects surgery within 2-3 months.
I have always had issues with stamina even as a kid. I could never run fast; I can walk all day long. Even after sessions with a personal trainer, I never had stamina for high output for long period; low output I can go forever. Now maybe there really is a reason for this. Maybe this will improve post surgery.
I am so glad I found this site but now have so many questions about dealing with the changes, choices and concern. How do I find a surgeon? Will the cardio recommend one? He wants to do a cath? Why? What more does it tell him? How long from cath to surgery? If I want a specific valve (mechanical) can I just tell him or do I have to find a surgeon who works with that valve? I have BAV- how can I ensure that the cardio and surgeon click on matters of aortic defects?
Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Thanks for all your help already!