New update-9/9/08

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Miracle Believer
Supporting Member
Aug 7, 2008
Southern California
First let me start by saying thanks to all the wonderful replies and emails and private messages I go, to which I shall happily and gratefully respond when I have better energy. My energy is depleted by the time I open the computer, the webpage offered by the hospital, and write these words. But I greatly appreciate what you all wrote back to me and it filled me with energy and hope and peace. Even though all are nice around here, yet it is gloomy and :eek::confused::mad::(

At last I was moved around 2 am this morning from the ICU. Dr. Shemin put the order last Thursday, but there were no rooms. Unbelievable how busy this new UCLA hospital is!! It is a huge city on its own, brand new, dedicated to late Ronald Reagan, built with environment 'green' ; yet ICU remains ICU and i was moved out at the right time before have gone from a 'patient' patient to a 'crazy' person who had no more tolerance to any noise even though I had the ear plugs most of the time, even though all were extremely kind and nice. But now, having had only a few hours of peaceful sleep, I feel at peace again and rejuvenated and a civilized 'patient':)

My electrolytes are getting higher, my blood sugar is going down to normal (non-diabetic), and BP stable, all is improving except my INR which has been resistant despite the heparin drip I have been getting. But none matters this morning as I feel I am in a hotel today, not in a hospital -- brand new room, nice furniture, beautiful views out of the window:cool::p

I have been walking 3 times a day since Sunday. What bothers me despite doctor's assurance is my high pulse going from 70s to 99!!! for thee days now. what do u thinks dear new family and friends: "Birds of feather flock together";)

This is taking me a long time, and i shall write again. fondly, eva:):cool:
Good to hear from you Eva.
Everything will take time to settle down. This will be a true test of your patients :)
Relax and enjoy the view and don't forget to breath.
Take Care
Eva, my INR was slow to rise, it took 16 days in hospital for me.
And everytime I walked a bit my HR was also about 100. Finally they put me on a beta blocker.
Your heart has been through alot and it will take time to settle down again.
All the best!
So glad to hear from you Eva. Sorry to hear you had a hard time in ICU with all th noise.:eek: Sleep and rest are very important right now along with walking and breathing and of course eating. Don't get to much in a hurry things well come into place. The INR takes a while to come up so don't worry to much about that just take care of yourself. You are in my prayers for a smooth recovery and you will be home before you know it.
It's not uncommon for your heartrate to rise. It's undergone alot of abuse and it reacts when something new is added in (walking for example). In time it will settle down.
Hi Eva

My hubby, Tyce, had AVR 6+ years ago, but I do remember our surgeon saying......your heart is angry right now because we took it apart....give it some time and it will settle down.....or words to that effect. I wouldn't worry about your pulse.....everything will work out in time

Glad you're doing so well.

Glad you are finally out of ICU. I concur with all the good advice you got here and hope to hear that you are "out of there" soon. As nice as it may be, home is better!
Hi Eva

My hubby, Tyce, had AVR 6+ years ago, but I do remember our surgeon saying......your heart is angry right now because we took it apart....give it some time and it will settle down.....or words to that effect. I wouldn't worry about your pulse.....everything will work out in time

Glad you're doing so well.


what a nice way to put it!! thanks, Evelyn, I agree that time will resolve all. But the pain of the surgery worries us if it will be folllowed by any more! I already feel better after a 90 minute nap since i did not get enough sleep last nite.
Crystal, thanks for all of your prayers and encouragements. I am starting to feel better after I took a long nap this afternoon since I did not get enough sleep last nite. What bothered me most in ICU was poking me twice or so before being able to withdraw blood for testing and that cut my patience off as my arms became bruised and hurting. But all this will be in the past very soon. I am walking, appetite is returning and enjoying my breathing exercise more than them tapping my back:eek: regards:)
Thanks for your support. You are absolutely right re patience; but it seems I have been, and I am doing better than I thinks as all nurses around are complimenting me for my pleasant attitude and kindness:confused: Umm !! I wonder :)
Soo good to hear how upbeat you are after having gone thru such an ordeal! But here we are my friend, conversing once again. And it's only gonna get better, you watch! :)

I know you will feel so much better in the comfort of your home; being able to sleep in your own bed, start eating some of your own food; slowly & painfully at first but everything gets better w/time!

Take good care & be patient; you'll be home soon enough!! :)

Can you hear your valves tick? :p Wonderful sound; like music to my ears! :)
Hi Norma,

Thanks again for your encouragement and cheerful hopefulness always:)
My patience is being tested and I hope I am passing.

Can you hear your valves tick? :p

so far NO!!:confused: could i have gained new valves:confused:, but lost my hearing! Probably when I get home into a quieter mode. Funny that my nurse did but not me:p when she did, she looked at my watchless wrist and then at her watch and wandered loudly where that ticking came from. I asked her to listen to my heart and she looked so cute stunned with open eyes, open mouth, and a wao expression. It was her first experience.
I will let you know when I hear it. Many regards.
Eva,Great your out of icu....noisey place
good pointer,i'll be sure when i go to take
double earplugs:p
Praying you get home when time comes (soon)
and have a much more relaxed recovery at home,
You are one tough gal,have a good rest tonight.

zipper2 (DEB)