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Hello Im new to this site so not sure where to post this message. I was intreduced to this site by Emma. Well this is why Im here:

My daughter Jasmine was born with CAVSD, pulmonary stenosis, hplv, and a large number of VSDs. When Jasmine was born we knew nothing about this she was a healthy pink baby. At Jasmines first check up when she was born the nurse thought she could hear a mumor so we were asked to stay another day. The next day a ECG was done on Jasmine and we were told that was all fine and we could go. At Jasmines 6 week check my doctor noticed the heart mumor and said he would like us to have an outpatience appt at the hospital to get it checked. Still I was not concerned as she looked so well. At the hospital when Jasmine was 4mths we were told that she did have a mumor and for us to come back in a week for a scan. So we went back and that was when the bomb shell hit us. After following the doctor to the ECHO room and to the ECG room and back again he told us that very scary sentence she will need open heart surgery because..... . Jasmines first open heart surgery was at 6 mths, she was still a healthy looking baby so found it hard to accept that she was ill. We arrived at the hospital and were then turned away due to her operation being cancelled. We went back a week later and she had her first surgery the next day, the surgeon managed to do all he could but did not seem happy. We went in to see her and after floods of tears felt joy that she was doing well, we then went to get something to eat. But when we returned it was a different story as we were stopped at the door of the intensive care, Jasmines heart rate had gone up to 280 and the drs were trying to stabilise her. The wonderfull drs and nurses in the intensive care managed to keep my baby girl here that night they said it was a struggle and that she would need more surgery the next day but they got her through the night. The next morning Jasmine was taken back to theatre as a stitch in her heart had opened thus causing the eratic heart rate. She managed to get through this and after going on kidney dyalisis, having fluid build up in the lung caverty and a brain scan Jasmine was back up on the ward after spending almost 2 weeks in intensive care. She was sent home with a cocktail of drugs then after a month she rapidly started to loose weight and turn Yellow. She was taken back to hospital and we were told she had heamolitic anemia, this was due to the leak in her mitral valve because the blood was jetting through at such a pressure it was breaking up the red blood cells. So Jasmine was put on folic acid and iron. After more months of no weight gain we were finally told last april that Jasmines mitral valve leak was so server that she would need the surgery soon. Jasmines third operation was in May last year and her Mitral valve was replaced with a 19mm st Jude valve. She now only takes warfarin and we check her INR at home using a coaguchek machine. We have been in and out of hospital a few times due to low or high INR. And she still hasnt got a regular warfarin dose. So Im hoping I might be able to find some tips on here and meet some lovely people who are in the same situation as my self or as Jasmine.
Welcome, Amanda. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with all of this with your precious Jasmine.

I don't have any experience with children - just wanted you to know we're so glad you found us. Those who've lived with this will be joining you shortly and will have a wealth of information for you.

We'd love to see a picture of your little girl (hint hint).
Welcome and hello. I am pretty new here myself, and I am not in a similar situation as you so I can't offer any advice there ... but I can offer my support to you and your family. There are lots of wonderful moms on this site, and I am sure many will be checking in as they come on. Welcome, welcome, welcome!
Hi Amanda...
A big welcome to you and your family...

what a start to life for dear Jasmine..she surely is a precious little girl...

I have 3 boys myself but so-far they havent needed any intervention, even though they got my dodgy heart-genes.

We are getting more and more mums on here and we are thrilled to have you on-board as well...
YAY! You finally made it.
HELLO on here too now then, You'll have to get an avatar of Jasmine up on here - shes sooooo cute!!

Hi Amanda,

Your family was able to see Jasmine through this trying time - I think some of us are chosen to work out these early imperfections that our children are born with - they are placed with us. That is something I have told my wife several times and many on this site seem to fit the bill too.

Briefly, my son Jonas (the little guy in the pic) was born with a malformed aortic valve. A balloon catheterization got him to two months old when another catheterization was performed. This one got him into emergency surgery a day or two later to replave his now torn valve. The new valve lasted 3 months until he had the Ross Procedure done. That was 6 years ago. He now takes no meds and is a tough little 1st grader.

Sometimes my wife and I look at eachother, still, and it seems one of is about to say "what the h*ll was all that about". Jonas' first 6 months were a blur. We still have some challenges.

Everything us folks do is to give these little people a fighting chance. I commend you for being able to do what you have done. Some day Jasmine and Jonas may contemplate it all and say thanks. Maybe we can just look at these little treasures and know they may never need to say thanks.
Hello everyone,

Thankyou for welcoming me to this site. I will try to sort out a picture of Jasmine soon.
Hi Emma yay I did it. Brilliant site, I enjoy heartline but sometimes its nice to speak to alot of others who know about artificial valves and INRs.
HI and Welcome....

HI and Welcome....

I'm glad you've found this site. I'm not that informed about valve issuses. The only valve issue we have right now is that my son's aortic valve is leaky, however, due to his surgeries and the "re-plumbing" that the surgeon has done, his arotic valve is a basically a spare part that he doesn't need. His cardio is now pondering if he really needs it and if they can oversew it and close it off -- but then what else would that do to his little heart??? I think we are in kind of uncharted waters since his heart defect is no one kind --just a mismatch of defects.

I was wondering what an INR was though -- not familiar with that term just yet, as well as hplv --- I have some guesses, but if I've learned one thing, it's that there are several ways of explaining the same defect.

I'm not sure I can offer too much right now other than support. We didn't find out about our son's defect until he was a week old, and even then, he certainly didn't look like a "sick" baby. Even to this day -- with 2 OHS under his belt and one more planned for this summer he still doesn't look like a sick child. This is one heck of a roller coaster ride we're on trying to take care of our babies, and learn as much as we can to do the best by them. If you ever need to vent or help finding out anything, just give us a post, or a private message. Take care and my best to you and your family.


Just wanted to welcome you to the group. As always, I am sad you have to be here, but the people here are wonderful and supportive. My Katie shares some of Jasmine's defects, but we ended up with the most severe form of CAVSD with basically no wall at all separating the atriums and the ventricles and her mitral and tricuspid valves are merged as one unit. THat's the one that ended up getting replaced. Katie's left ventricle is only slightly hypoplastic, though.

I'm glad to hear that Jasmine is doing well now, with the exception of the erratic INRs. Just about the time I think ours is on an even keel, it proves me wrong. We were at 4.6 today............ugh!

Anyway, just wanted to give you a (((hug))) and welcome you to the group. Janet
Welcome Aboard Amanda,

Sorry to read about your daughter Jasmine's trials at such a young age. You will find many helpful and caring folks here at

By the way, we won't hold it against you that you know Emma.:D :D :p

May God Bless,
