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Oct 30, 2007
Graham, North Carolina
I am new as a member but I have been looking at this site since Sept 2007.
I have found a lot of valuable information on this site. I had my valve replaced on Sept 17, 2007. Reading all the post helped me to know what to except and answered a lot of questions.

Oops, excuse me! I meant from VR!

If you've been reading posts since September, I bet you understand my mistake!;) :p

I am glad you've joined us, Gail.:)
new too

new too


I'm new too. But your location caught my eye! My first job out of library school was at May Memorial in Burlington (is it still called that?).

You told us when--where and what and how (do you feel)?

Welcome to the VR community, Gail. I'm glad you decide to post and introduce yourself. I hope your recovery is going well. We're all ears if you'd like to share your story. :)
Glad To Have You

Glad To Have You

Gail, Thanks for joining us! This is one place where the "water" is always fine.:) Brian
Welcome to the site! And I agree, if you can and wouldn't mind, please share your experience. The stories of other people, taken as a whole, really helped prepare me for the surgery and stay in the hospital.
Hello Gail and Welcome,
I like yourself knew about VR com for a while before I became a member.
I am grateful for the information i picked up prior to my double valve replacement in June 07. Lots of people with lots of information. That is VR com. Participate...........
Celebrex and the mechanical valve

Celebrex and the mechanical valve

Thanks for the welcome!
First, DebbyA it is still May Memorial. When I had my surgery the anesthesia after effects was the worse part. The nausea was so bad. I know this does not affect everyone like this. I only had to have one valve replaced so I did not have to have open heart surgery. I still have pain in my right side. neck, shoulder, arm, breast, and back. The pain is slowly getting better. I am thinking I may go back to work after my doc visit on the 13th. Now, I was taking Celebrex and Warfarin before the surgery, the Warfarin for Afib. Now that I am being more active I am having more pain in my joints. I want to go back on my Celebrex. I having been thinking about going to the doc and checking to see if there is anything different I can take. I would like to know if any of you take Celebrex.

Have a great day!
open heart

open heart

I do not know what the procedure is called but they made 3 small cuts under my right breast, and about a 6" cut across the top of my right breast. I had a tube in my neck, a drainage tube in one of the cuts under my breast and they put a tube in my groin to my heart. I had the surgery on mon. and went home on sat. I was also put on the heart-lung machine. All the test showed maybe more than one valve needed something done to it. When they put me to sleep they put a camera down my throat and looked at my heart. Than they knew I only needed the one valve replaced. I don't know if this helps answer any questions you have.
