Hi my name is Randy, I am 51, and I was recently diagnosed as having Bicuspid Aortic Valve defect, and an ascending aortic aneurysm 5.3cm. I also have mitral valve prolapse but I guess that goes with the territory and isn't a real big deal. I am seeing Dr. Siegel at Cedars and Dr. Trento is going to do my surgery. I see him on the 6th of July and then we will discuss surgery date and what he is going to do. I am doing okay with it, but hate the waiting! I am a little nervous about it I guess. I don't have a lot of symptoms, but I do get tired very easy and get short of breath with activity. Is this normal? I want to be in good shape when I go in but right now more than a walk seems out of the question. I am a firefighter and recently was put off work until I have surgery. It has been great to read this forum. It is encouraging to hear so many that have gone through similar things. Well I don't have a lot of questions now but will ask them as they come up. I have heard that UCLA and Cedars are the best hospitals in LA area for dealing witht this. Anybody else been at Cedars? Well thanks to all of you for being on this site even after you have gone through it. It is great to see all of the encouraging that is going on. God bless you all.
PS How do you add your picture?
PS How do you add your picture?