I had the ross procedure 3 years ago and used this forum alot pre surgery for information, I cant remember if I ever actually signed up and posted anything or whether I just read other peoples posts. I have been fine since the surgery but am suffering a bit emotionally as it seems I kind of just tried to forget the surgery after it happened instead of dealing with what I went through and its all been building up. I have started seeing someone to work through it and I told her about this site and she suggested that it might help to come back here. So here I am:
Name: Jess
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Condition: Congenital Aortic stenosis (bicuspid aorta)
Treatment: balloonoscopy at age 12 (not sure what its really called)- put a balloon up your vein in your leg and into the valve and then pump it to widen the valve.
Ross procedure in 2005 (age 17)
But my main problem is emotional, whenever I try to seriously think about the operation or talk about how I felt I get all emotional and teary. Does anyone else have anything like this?
Also any other Aussies who had ross procedure?
I had the ross procedure 3 years ago and used this forum alot pre surgery for information, I cant remember if I ever actually signed up and posted anything or whether I just read other peoples posts. I have been fine since the surgery but am suffering a bit emotionally as it seems I kind of just tried to forget the surgery after it happened instead of dealing with what I went through and its all been building up. I have started seeing someone to work through it and I told her about this site and she suggested that it might help to come back here. So here I am:
Name: Jess
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Condition: Congenital Aortic stenosis (bicuspid aorta)
Treatment: balloonoscopy at age 12 (not sure what its really called)- put a balloon up your vein in your leg and into the valve and then pump it to widen the valve.
Ross procedure in 2005 (age 17)
But my main problem is emotional, whenever I try to seriously think about the operation or talk about how I felt I get all emotional and teary. Does anyone else have anything like this?
Also any other Aussies who had ross procedure?