New to the community. Going in on 6/30/11

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New member
Jun 23, 2011
Salem, OR
I'm new to this forum. I'll be getting a mechanical aortic valve and part of my aorta replaced on 6/30/11.

My wife (Terri) and I are going through a million different emotions.

I've been looking through the forum and have found some good info. If anyone has any words of advice and encouragement, I'll take them.

Kent Kersey,
Salem OR
Ez 36:26
Welcome Kent! I'm new to this forum as well. I've been lurking on here for almost 2 years. So much great info and experiences! I have a consult with Dr. Aidan Raney at HOAG hospital in Newport Beach, California on the same day you are going in for the surgery. I was told that I may go in for surgery for aortic valve replacement sometime mid July 2011 also with a mechanical valve, hopefully ON-X. Praise God, you have a wife to help you through the whole process! I have a great mom that's helping me. I can't say too much about going through the surgery because I haven't, but I'm sure many on here will begin to chime in. Every little thing is going to be alright!
You will both be amazed by how well it goes, and how quickly you recover. I went through sleepless nights, depression etc, but as the date approached I determined that while I did not want to go through it I had little choice, so I would make the most of it and concentrate on the positive parts of the experience. Be prepared to be tired and weak for the first few days. Sleep during the day if you have to, increase your fitness by walking as directed and take painkillers if you need them. There are no extra prizes for suffering. My take on the positive side - my wifes strength before during and after and a renewed closeness in our relationship, the dedication of all the hospital staff and all the fellow patients I spent time with, general amusement at the trivia and bureaucracy of running a UK hospital and setting myself small daily challenges to regain my independance. Above all support, encouragement and help from fellow posters on this forum.

Good luck

Hi Kent (and Julian, too)!

I'm one of the folks who are currently recovering. My surgery was February 28th, 2011. I remember the anxiety, stress and all the other roller coaster emotions of the process like it was yesterday, except I knew I would need valve replacement for over 9 years. I had plenty of time to make myself crazy about all this, but I chose not to get that way. I found that once I had made all the decisions (date, hospital, surgeon, valve, etc.) I was able to let the anxiety go and just "work the plan." I guess you can tell by now - I'm a control freak. The only thing that was a bit tough for me to accept was the fact that once I signed in at the hospital, I relinquished all control over the situation until I was released. I did fine, and you will, too. The process and event of valve surgery is a "big event" for us as patients, but for the hospital staff and surgeons it is "just another day at work."

Welcome to and welcome to The Waiting Room, the virtual room where many folks come to wait for their own turns at valve surgery. Make yourselves at home, visit often and ask all the questions you wish. The folks here have a wealth of real-life first-hand experience and are more than willing to share.
Hi Kent!

I see you are in Salem. I lived in Portland for 10 years but moved to San Diego in 09. May I ask where you are having the surgery?

I too have been a mess since finding out I need AVR but it gets better every day. I'm ready for the surgery and to go on with my life.

Everyone here says you will be fine.. and I believe them. You should too. You will be fine.
I'm having it done here in Salem. They have a great reputation for success. My surgeon Dr. Winkler is the best around, so I'm feeling pretty good about staying close to home.
The emotions are 10 times worse than the surgery. Try not to wory, all will go well!

This pretty much sums it up. If I had to add one thing is to think about the things you might need while you are at hospital (DVDs, music, books etc). I purchased 2 seasons of "24" and that kept me plenty busy while I was recovering at home.
Hello and welcome !
you still have a few days to browse the forums here. Try not to get overwhelmed and just focus on getting
your little stuff ready. Get a haircut and trim your toenails. ;)
I put you on the calendar.
I had that surgery in March of this year. The surgeon replaced my aortic valve and my entire ascending aorta. Ultimately everything turned out great. Good luck to you!