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Been reading post for a while now decided it was time to seek others help. I will try to keep it brief. Diagnosed with aortic insufficiency with moderate regurgitation in Oct 2008. Docs are not sure how this could have been undected. i have a tricuspid valve with vegitation they are calling it chronic endocarditis. being controlled on medication. echo every three months since, with no changes. Last month i experienced tingling in both arms left side of face and temporary loss of vision in left eye. Had been of my aspirin for 1 week for unrelated procedure. Docs cant determine if a clot developed on valve due to no aspirin or if a peice of vegitation broke off. Now going for consult with cardiothoracic surgeon in about 10 minutes. Scared to death i may need surgery. Anyone ever heard of vegitation breaking off? any thoughts would be appriciated. 48 y/o female highland, california