Hello, I am 26 and due to a fluke I found out through an echo that I have BAV. I already had slight health anxiety so this definitely didnt help that but I am starting to cope with it better and just live life. The way my Cardiologist put it to me was live life and be aware you have it and follow through with yearly check ups to catch anything ahead of time. Is this the right advice? I try to watch what I eat and usually eat pretty decent, I don't drink any alcohol or smoke cigarettes. My only "vice" is that I (well used to be up until a couple months ago) a daily marijuana smoker. There is a lot online about cigs and BAV being an issue (im assuming it is mainly the chemicals etc) but not much research about marijuana. Im curious about what have you heard/been told about smoking marijuana with BAV. I had been smoking weed daily for like 8 years and my echo came up no stenosis or regurg. My Cardiologist recommended i stick with edibles if I want to use marijuana but that is usually more pricey and tends to a different/all day high. So do any of smoke marijuana with BAV, and what has your experience been? I also would love any general BAV advice/research that you guys have done. Thanks!