New Surgeon and Finally a Surgery Date

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Hi All!

I haven't been on this site for a while. Our computer crashed and we had to get a new one. Anyhow....For anyone who remembers me...I was originally going to see Dr. Tirone David in Toronto, but after a couple of mishaps with my file...he decided that I would be better off going to Vancouver, BC for surgery because his waiting list was so long. I am having my AVR with Dr. Guy Fradette in Vancouver. My husband and my boys and I met with him last month and now I am scheduled for surgery on July 21st....which is coming quickly. Dr. Fradette is also bringing Dr. LeBlanc (who is a pediatric surgeon) in to operate as well.

I have decided on a mechanical valve and have chosed the On-X (sp?) and from what I've read, its one of the best ones out there.

When I met with Dr. Fradette he gave me a picture and explained exactly what they need to do.....which is more than my cardiologist told me about. It was kind of frightening actual. I originally thought that I just needed the valve replaced; however, it seems that my ascending aorta is enlarged (it is 4.5 cm. and it gets really dangerous, at 5 cm I am told), so it needs to be repaired or replaced. Dr. Fradette also mentioned a Bentall procedure and there is a slight chance that I may need a pacemaker as well! Good Golly! Now I am really scared! He told me that he would decide what needed to be done once he got in. He said the surgery would be anywhere from 3 to 6 hours.

I am trying to stay very positive, but I get very emotional sometimes. My kids are 8 and 12 and I really want to be around to see them grow up.

Anyways....I do have everthing set up for my surgery. My folks are coming to Vancouver, and my brother is flying in from Calgary to be there as well. My kids will be there, and so will many family and friends. I am truly blessed to have so many loved ones. My husband will have to return to work after I get home, so my mom is coming to stay until I'm back on my feet again. It is summer and my kids are off school, so I will need all the help I can get. Did you all sleep in your beds once you got home...or was a recliner a better option?

I just wanted to update you all of my situation and let you all know that I'm thinking about you all...I do read this site alot, I just haven't posted a lot. I've found some very good information on this site as well.

I will keep you updated and let you know how it all works out. My thoughts are with you all and if you could all send positive thoughts and prayers my way on the 21st, I would appreciate it.
Leah, everything will be fine, and of course you will be in my thoughts the day of. It definitely sounds like you have everything ready to go, now enjoy the kids and relax.

As far as the recliner thing, most people seem to do better in the recliner, I was sleeping in the bed with one pillow the day I got home and sleeping through the night, that seems to be a bit unusual. Everyone is different so be prepared for either or.
Hi Leah!! I just wanted you to let you know that I will be thinking of you as you make all the preparations for your surgery. It sounds like you have lots of family support which is wonderful. I can't really give you much advice as I haven't had my surgery yet but I know there will be many others on here who will be able to. Take care of yourself and I look forward to hearing about your successful trip over the mountain - Jeanne :)
Welcome back Leah! I put your date on the calendar and we will all be here to answer any questions between now and then and to cheer you on to a complete recovery. Dick didn't have a recliner, but could have used one. You may even consider renting one if recliners are not to your liking for the long run. Wishing you the best,
welcome back, Leah. We are all wishing you all the best as you go forward towards July 21. It's a daunting and awesome journey but you should be fine and you have plenty of folks who are supporting you.

I slept in my own bed, but if I had been in my own home, I might've used a recliner (I stayed at my nurse cousin's home for a month). Getting up from a flat position isn't so easy, but doable.
Hi Leah,
I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Sending my best wishes your way!
Leah, it sounds like you are as prepared as you can be (which is well prepared) and that you are in good hands with the surgeon. I know everything will go well. Best wishes.
Will be praying for you

Will be praying for you

I just want to echo what everyone else is saying. Good luck to you! You will do well. The waiting is the hardest part, I know. It sounds like you are well-prepared and have a great support system. Do some fun stuff with your kids the next couple of weeks. My kids are 7 & 9. One thing that I did with them was we planned jobs for them to do when I got home. my son was in charge of giving me my spriometer every hour and reminding me to use it. My daughter is my walking buddy. They both were in charge of choosing board games and movies to watch with me. I also told them before hand that I would need them to get stuff for me around the house and carry stuff for me. They have been great and I think it really made them feel helpful.

I will be praying for you.

Sounds like you 've done some great planning and have lots of support. Best of luck and I hope your recovery will be easy.

I brought our huge Lazy Boy recliner to another bedroom and went back and forth for only a couple nights. I could lay in bed and sleep with little discomfort, but I needed to change positions those couple of nights and I tried my luck in the recliner. I slept a bit in the recliner too. Do what you need to stay comfortable.

Of course you will be in our thoughts and prayers on the 21st! Thoughts and prayers transmission are some of the things that VR does best!
Another one is offering advice, when asked, so I'll add mine to your recliner question.
I slept in a recliner for almost 10 days. It was very hard for me to get in and out of bed for awhile, and then there was some discomfort trying to lie on my side. Others have managed to sleep in bed starting with their first night at home, but I wasn't one of the lucky ones. :( I guess my advice is to prepare for either eventuality.
You are lucky that your mom will be with you after surgery, so that should help you deal with anything unexpected that might occur. :)
Valves and recliners and fears, Oh My!

Valves and recliners and fears, Oh My!

It is awesome to read of your upcoming surgery. It sounds like you have a great support group and a close family. This more than anything is the key to facing surgery. Though I am waiting for OHS like you, my familiy had been through many ordeals with my daughter Emily. She is 22 and before the age of 13 she had been in surgery 22 times. She has been giving me much advice, and some of it is from a more child-like perspective (she is handicapped) but in some ways that is how we must handle what faces us. We have to let go and let others in our circle of friends and family take care of things, like a child does. We have to let go and leave our lives in God's hands and we must obey doctors and those who are caring for us. It sounds to me like you are well on your way and have great support and a great doctor team.

In regards to valves. There are people here on this site who are really educated in the various valves, but considering your age (love your picture of you with your kids, you are all beautiful) and that coumadin shouldn't be a problem with you, it sounds like a good choice to me.

In regards to recliners, I think Mary's advice that to be prepared for either situation is the way to go. I encountered a little problem in that like you my surgery is coming within a month and you can't get a special order chair in the time you have left. Either borrow one or if you buy one you will have to buy a floor sample. We did that, and yesterday I was leaning back in the chair watching a movie and it fell over backwards! I am glad I found this out before doing that my first day home with stitches and what not. I am going to try and return it and look for another one, but they have a no return policy. Sooooo all of that to say, go right away if you want to purchase one and try every single one until you find the one that is just right for you.

In regards to fears and anxieties I have been dealing with this as well and wrote about it on my blog page a couple of days ago. I am just getting started in all of this blogging stuff so be patient as I make some changes this week. i write from the perspective of a Christian, but I think, even if you are not a Christian you would still find value in some of the things that have been helping me face my anxieties. This crisis you face is the greatest gift that can be given. To face our mortality helps us to do a recheck of everything that truly matters to us. I have reconnected with friends from 25 yrs ago that i would never have reconnected with if it wasn't for this crisis in my life. I am valuing everyday and feel so alive. I treasure every moment and am not all caught up in the game of life right now. I am a big Lord of the Rings fan and I was struck by a line in the movie where Gandalf said to Frodo, "it is not for us to decide the times we live in, but what will we do with the time we have!" Hang in there Leah you are doing very well, and have a great family, and a great medical team and not only that you have the gang behind you. You will do great!;)
Leah, congrats on your upcoming surgery.

I'm a proponent of recliners. Although I slept in bed as soon as I got home, I lived in the recliner the rest of the time.

Oz, position your recliner near the wall so it can't tip over. I'd guess it's a little short for you - my husband has the same problem in my recliner, but not in his.

Leah, do some special things with your kids in the next couple of weeks. And take time for yourself - a day spa, shopping, out to eat, etc. You won't feel much like doing anything fun for a while.
Thanks to you all!

Thanks to you all!

Thank you to you all for your kind words and support! It is really great to be in contact with so many people who are going through the same things that I am.

Ozmercy...thanks to you for your kind words as well. You are right, I have a wonderful support system and now I just have to sit back and let them take over. I'm more of a do-it-myself kind of person, but that will have to be put on the back burner for a while!

Cheers ;)