New Question About Palpitations...

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hey Gang,
Just wanted to throw this question out to yall to see if anyone else has had this:

For the past 2 to 3 days, I have been experiencing some really bad palpitations, and they come and go in 5 minute intervals, and they havent stopped coming. I mentioned this to my PCP yesterday when I saw her, but she made no mention of what to do about it, so therefore, I called my Cardiologist's office and he told me to watch it over the weekend and call them on Monday if they kept coming. They are still coming and coming on strong, and it's driving me crazy.. Thanks for the tips/help in advance. Harrybaby :D :confused: :D
Have you been drinking sodas? Coffee? I will have bad palps from both, so I made a only.. no hot chocolate either.. :eek: , have you had any? :)
No Yaps, the soda I have been drinking is caffiene free...

No Yaps, the soda I have been drinking is caffiene free...

The docs asked me to stop drinking caffinated sodas, and I VERY VERY rarely have a coffee....But Gosh don't these palps sure drive me crazy...Harrybaby :D :eek: :D
I get them when I don't get enough sleep. This week my husband is off on a drive with our sone to Rochester. NY [all the way from Anchorage, AK] to get our son situated in his off campus apartment [and of course to get his Honda to campus!] I don't sleep well when he is gone - every little noise freaks me out, and boy, did I have palpitations last night! Also, alcoholic drinks will bring them on, but I haven't had a drink since Sunday.

And, not enough calories in a day will make me have them at night.


You take diuretics for your CHF, don't you? What about low potassium. I get palpitations when my potassium is low.
Yes, I do Gina...

Yes, I do Gina...

I take Lasix and a Potassium Suppliment for the CHF...I have also been eating tomatoes, bananas and other postassium loaded items to help keep my potassium levels up....Harrybaby :D
Oh Harry, sorry you're not well at the moment. And sorry I don't have anything useful to say to help you work out whats wrong, but sending you love and positive thoughts and hoping you get rid of those annoying palpatations soon or your doctor can shed some light on them for you!

Love to you

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