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New member
May 27, 2024
Hi, I've just come across this forum site while browsing online.
I had my Aortic valve replaced with a bovine tissue valve in February 2022 at the age of 60 after being diagnosed with a calcium crisped bicuspid valve.
I led a healthy life before racing and riding bicycles and generally living life.
I led a healthy life before racing and riding bicycles
Good to meet you!

Are you riding again? Did you have a sternotomy; if so, how long was it before you could ride a regular bike again? Are you on any beta blocker drugs that limit your heart rate? If so, how has that heart rate limit affected your endurance and your peak aerobic performance?

I had a full sternotomy Sep, 2023 for a mitral valve repair and installation of an On-X mechanical aortic valve. I am on 25mg Metoprolol daily which limits my max heart rate to around 115 versus 125-ish before my heart issues (endocarditis). My peak aerobic performance is limited a bit, but i only notice this during intense exercise.
Hi 3mm,
I am riding again although nothing competitive, mostly on Zwift and commuting to work.
My operation was back in 2022 so forgive me if I'm a little vague on some of it, I had a mini sternotomy, where they only cut the top away and wired it back after but I still had to wait for a while for the bone to heal thoroughly.
I was only on beta blockers for a short while as they made my resting heart rate too low, so I'm only on 1 aspirin per day to help keep the blood a bit thinner.
It doesn't affect my max HR as far as I know, my max was above 170 before I was diagnosed and I've seen 163 on Zwift but backed off as it concerns me to push too hard. Zone 2 and 3 is fine and as it was before so aerobically fairly comfortable, just get concerned when I see high numbers which makes me back off, although never had any pain or issues, maybe a little light headed afterwards sometimes but I think that's down to not eating enough beforehand.
Hi, I've just come across this forum site while browsing online.
I had my Aortic valve replaced with a bovine tissue valve in February 2022 at the age of 60 after being diagnosed with a calcium crisped bicuspid valve.
I led a healthy life before racing and riding bicycles and generally living life.
I too led a healthy lifestyle - also racing my bike. That must be something that runs in the AVR family :)
I had an AVR done 5 years ago (I'm now 65). I had a bicuspid valve with severe regurgitation. I also, had a mildly dilated ascending aorta (44mm) which the surgeon decided not to take at time of AVR. Five years ago that was appropriate, I'm told, based on the surgical guidelines that held at the time. The guidelines have changed since then with the threshold for aneurysm repair in someone like me now being between 45-50mm. My Aorta is currently sitting at 48mm. I am now seriously considering having a re-do which will involve removing the Bio-prosthetic valve, replacing it and also resecting and replacing with a Dacron graft my ascending aorta (hemi-arch).
I am torn and having a hard time deciding between having the re-do surgery now or waiting and having 6/12 CT scans until I hit 50mm.
Keep riding!
My Aorta is currently sitting at 48mm. I am now seriously considering having a re-do which will involve removing the Bio-prosthetic valve, replacing it and also resecting and replacing with a Dacron graft my ascending aorta (hemi-arch).
I am torn and having a hard time deciding between having the re-do surgery now or waiting and having 6/12 CT scans until I hit 50mm
well unless there is a compelling reason to do it (and there doesn't yet seem to be) I'd keep your existing bio as long as you can (even if it means you need to start ACT), its only been 5 years.

Why are you "considering" having a redo? Or is that a phrase exchange for "they are considering you need it".

Best Wishes
Greetings Neil and welcome!

Glad things are going well with you and your valve and you're back riding again. Great stuff.

I had my bicuspid aortic valve replaced with an Inspiris Resilia bovine in August 2019. I’d just gone 61.

I was on a single aspirin post-op until recently. Was fortunate aspirin was my only post-op medication until December 2023.

Am now off the aspirin and on indefinite warfarin and a low dose beta blocker (bisoprolol) instead. This followed a minor stroke (small cerebellar infarcts) I experienced last December.

Seems my valve’s developed a few issues and I’m currently being monitored via six month echocardiogram.

Valve Replacement Org is a stellar place of wisdom and help around heart valve issues. It’s an excellent and reassuring support forum and a fantastic resource. It’s good to have you on board.

All the best going forward.
Welcome Neil!

Glad that you found us. I discovered this site a few months before my surgery. It has been a tremendous resource for me and hope that you find the same experience here.
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Hi, I just found this website. I had a valve replacement 6 months ago after an aortic dissection.
Great to have you here!
Sorry to hear about the dissection but good news indeed you were sorted with a valve replacement.
Continuing good health to you.

*Just to say, you may wish to introduce yourself and your heart story in a separate 'New Member Introductions' post, so your intro isn't buried in someone else's intro post.

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