New AVR 2/03/05

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Hello all. I just found this site, really Cool. I had a bicuspid Aortic Valve replaced. Initially I wanted the Ross Procedure and was pretty intent and stubborn on having it. My surgeon stated for us older peeps (I'm 35) the pulmonary valve tends to distend and leak. He said Arnold Shrwarzenagor (sp?) had one and two days later had it removed. He now has two Cadever valves. Well I had a bovine valve put in. My main problem is my chest healing. My back is very sore and numb. Is that normal? I hope in 20 years when I need it replaced they will be doing less evasive surgery with aortic valves. How long should I take pain pills I just ran out. Taking Oxycodone. trying the tylenol thing now. I also had my gall bladder flair up a week later and had to go back in. Could barely breathe I was worried it was going to be a pulmonary embolism. It wasn't. Well I'm interested in learning in seeing how this website will help me. Good to know there are others going through this around my own age. Message me back anyone please.

You are still early on in your recovery and should still expect to have pain. It should be gradually subsiding but don't be discouraged by still having pain.

As far as your back goes, many people have reported back pain after OHS. I had numbness in the chest area but not the back. However, there are nerve endings that are cut and or injured during the surgery and I am sure some of them can lead to the back.

Your body is in an unusual position for several hours during surgery. That will result in muscle aches, numbness and pain in places that may not seem appropriate for having had chest surgery. But so many things are moved around, it is bound to cause a reaction.

It is always recommended that anything that makes YOU uncomfortable enough to worry about should be discussed with your doctor if only to make you more at ease.