Nervous about upcoming annual check-up

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2008
Latin America
I was diagnosed with a bicuspid aortic valve with 2-3+ aortic rergurgitation; a slightly dilated ascending aorta (3.6 cm) and a slight enlarged left ventricle (5.7) two years ago next week.

My diagnosis led to a lot of changes in my life, including a divorce and a desire to lead a new life with more time for certain things.

Two years later, I am having difficulties seeing my son and am in process of litigation so that the rights of my son to see me and vice-versa are legally enforced. Professionally, I have not been able to reduce my workload to travel and do some things I want to do.

On the health front, my annual check up last year revealed a reduced left ventricle (5.1), 3.7 cm ascending aorta, an unchanged regurgitation, and an improved ejection fraction from 53% to 63%. During that first year, I lost 35 pounds, reduced sodium diet, and started Altace and Beta Blockers. My chest pain and palpitations were nil.

This year I am having some palpitations and some chest pain, though I have kept the same regiment -- thin, walk etc...only thing I have not followed is a low stress life.

I am feeling depressed as I await my upcoming annual check-up at CCF. I am worried about what will come of it. I am also feeling sad as to my last year: (i) I feel a little worse (ii) I am having difficulties seeing my son (iii) professionally, the person I was grooming to take over for me just quit so I have to start this process all over again and really want to cut down but cant without finding an adequate replacement and instilling processes at our firm and (iv) as a single 40 year old man, I have not been seeking a relationship but am beginning to be open to it and wonder how all this will affect things.

Anyways, just felt a need to share my mini-depression as the two year anniversary and ensuing annual check-up are approaching. I tend not to be depressive or sad so this is unusual for me but I cant help but feel this way as I approach the check-up and the whole thing reminds me of all I went through and the harder road I have ahead.

Best regards,

Rick with the stresses you have, it doesn't surprise me. Simply knowing a heart condition exists is a big stress all by itself. Add the additional things going on in your life and they all seem to multiply. Do your best to keep your head up and shoulders back. You'll probably have another good result.
Life is a bumpy road sometime. Like Ross say "Do your best to keep your head up and shoulders back. You will get
through this.
I always get a little down/nervous/anxious before a checkup. It just puts those distracting thoughts in your mind. Between check ups I enjoy not focusing on my heart issues and getting on with life. You have a lot on your mind, but you seem to be controlling those things that you can control which is really all you can do. Here's hoping your cardiac health is better or at least the same as last time. Good luck and keep us posted.
Hang in there. I'm always nervous before my doctor appts. But its usually not as bad as I thought it would be. I'll be praying for you.
I second everything said here, I've been in the same mood(s) lately, I've got a BIG one coming at boston childrens 3 weeks from monday....just know you arent alone ;)
Thanks for your comments and prayers. Hoping to keep as positive as possible and as focused on "productive" things as possible.
I would suggest trying NOT to think / worry about it but that is easier said than done.

Perhaps a better suggestion would be to try to put it in a Positive Perspective.

1 - you could very well have been stable for the past year with NO change

2 - IF things have changed, they will be caught Early Enough to treat them appropriately with proven and highly successful procedures.

Either way you WIN! :)

Keep your chin Up and live your life to the fullest.

Best Wishes
Hi Rick!
Just want to support you here too! I know what you're feeling as well; as my check up is coming soon too. I love the posts here, all so supportive and wonderful! Just know you're not alone Rick, and breatheeeeeeeee! Stress can have it's own effects, and sounds like you've had more than your share. My heart goes out to you, with total understanding and empathy! ~Karen
Just had my check-up and things went well. Feel happy to have more time on earth still prior to surgery and for all the new advancements medicine is making in valve replacement - - whether mechanical, tissue or less invasive procedures.

I wanted to thank you all for your support. This is truly a great community. In fact, as I was awaiting results, I was talking to a woman who says she reads this site but never posts nor is a member. I think that this site's reach exceeds its members by a lot. The other funny thing that happened is that the echo technician was surprised at my knowledge of what she was doing...I could see what was up on the screen sometimes and read what she was measuring. Though I tried not to disturb her; I asked her a couple of questions on key parts and thereafter she let me know what she was seeing (for instance, what percent of the left ventricular outflow tract the regurgitating stream composed etc...).

My best wishes to you all, especially those that are facing upcoming surgeries or reoperations.

God bless,

Hi Rick,

That's good news! You will get through all of this, believe me. Sometimes WE ALL FEEL OVERWELMED!

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