Nephew passes Ph.D. qualifying exam

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catwoman Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
I just have to brag about my computer geek nephew, Ryan.
Ryan will be 23 in May and is 50% through his Ph.D. in computer science engineering & design.
He took his Ph.D. qualifying exam Nov. 20 despite being ill -- came down with horrible stomach bug that morning and was sick for about 10 days.
He was to have heard by Christmas break whether he had passed the exam (8 essay questions, 4 hours long). But the prof grading the papers had a massive heart attack, so someone else took over.

He just got an e-mail today (2/29) that he DID indeed pass. Better late than never!

Our extended family is going to tie one on this weekend! :D :D :D :D

BTW, if all goes on schedule, Ryan should graduate in Dec. 2009 at age 24 1/2.
And he's still had time to fix his two aunties' computers. Such a considerate young man! :)
Congratulations! He should be sitting good for making some excellent money with his degree. There are jobs for them, just not in my area.
Wow. That IS wonderful! And so young, really!! My oldest son is in his 3rd year PhD in Economics (he'll be 27 when he finishes....decided to mix in some neuroscience and is catching up...takes longer). They had qualifiers at the end of their first year and he was more anxious than I've ever known him to be, waiting for those results!! What a story for your nephew! Sorry about the prof! There is so much stress, you'd think the kids would be the ones having the heart attacks!

Have a wonderful celebration!!!!

I didn't give the entire story about the qualifying exam.
Students' instructions were in the booklet. The university apparently had another set of instructions, which students didn't get.
Ryan questioned the proctor at least once during the exam about which 8 of the 12 questions to answer. The proctor said to just read the booklet.

So he answered his choice of 8 questions.

Seemed that it should not have been "his" choice of 8 questions.

He appealed the no-pass on his exam, and he won.
Also, the department did not know that NONE of the students had been told if they had passed or failed their exams, and there were several sittings for it.

Ryan got the ball rolling when he got word of the problem with his exam results.

All students were notified this week. Three months after taking the exam.

You just have to be persistent with your academic career, just as with your medical care!

Ryan has a big interest in wireless communication and the medical field. My nephew-in-law, also named Ryan, works in investments for a non-profit hospital corporation, and when both Ryans get together, they talk shop.
Sounds like you have a bright and special nephew. Congratulations to him and best wishes for his continued success.
I am happy to read of your nephew's success, Marsha.

I bet there will be a really big party when December 09 rolls around!:)