I just have to brag about my computer geek nephew, Ryan.
Ryan will be 23 in May and is 50% through his Ph.D. in computer science engineering & design.
He took his Ph.D. qualifying exam Nov. 20 despite being ill -- came down with horrible stomach bug that morning and was sick for about 10 days.
He was to have heard by Christmas break whether he had passed the exam (8 essay questions, 4 hours long). But the prof grading the papers had a massive heart attack, so someone else took over.
He just got an e-mail today (2/29) that he DID indeed pass. Better late than never!
Our extended family is going to tie one on this weekend!
BTW, if all goes on schedule, Ryan should graduate in Dec. 2009 at age 24 1/2.
And he's still had time to fix his two aunties' computers. Such a considerate young man!
Ryan will be 23 in May and is 50% through his Ph.D. in computer science engineering & design.
He took his Ph.D. qualifying exam Nov. 20 despite being ill -- came down with horrible stomach bug that morning and was sick for about 10 days.
He was to have heard by Christmas break whether he had passed the exam (8 essay questions, 4 hours long). But the prof grading the papers had a massive heart attack, so someone else took over.
He just got an e-mail today (2/29) that he DID indeed pass. Better late than never!
Our extended family is going to tie one on this weekend!
BTW, if all goes on schedule, Ryan should graduate in Dec. 2009 at age 24 1/2.
And he's still had time to fix his two aunties' computers. Such a considerate young man!