Need some prayers for my grandson

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
My grandson sustained a concussion while playing football several days ago. He was doing OK, but I just got a call from my daughter in Florida, that he is having additional symptoms and is going for another MRI this afternoon.

Please say a few small prayers for him that he doesn't have any bleeding going on.

Sorry to hear of this scare. Praying that all turns out to be good.
Just got the report from my daughter. Dixon's MRI read as "everything looks normal". So your prayers must have helped. Thanks.

He does have a sinus infection on top of healing from the original injury, so that must be what was causing the symptoms.
Wonderful news, altho I can imagine how miserable Dixon must feel with all he has going on. I'm a huge believer in the powerof prayer, you must be so relieved. Lyn
Oh Lordy Nancy...I don't know how I missed this one...

Oh Lordy Nancy...I don't know how I missed this one...

You know you have my hugs and prayers and thankfullness that he's alright. ((((((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))) From Ole' Harrybaby:D :D :D