Need some help with this

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Does anyone know what this means? My June MRI said my aneurysm was 4.8 x 4.4 cm in maximum transverse and AP diameters.The October MRI says 4.8 cm in maximum AP dimension and 4.6 in transverse dimension.My initial echo in 04 stated my aortic root was 3.8 cm.In Oct 05 it measures 4.0 cm.Is this a problem? It also states that my aortic valve is heavily calcified.My June 05 echo has my maximum pressure at 42mmHg.The mean pressure is 26mmHg.In Oct 05 my maximum pressure is 38mmHg and a mean aortic valve gradient of 23mmHg.My peak aortic flow is 3.2.Please help me with this medical jargon????
jkn2kids said:
Does anyone know what this means? My June MRI said my aneurysm was 4.8 x 4.4 cm in maximum transverse and AP diameters.The October MRI says 4.8 cm in maximum AP dimension and 4.6 in transverse dimension.My initial echo in 04 stated my aortic root was 3.8 cm.In Oct 05 it measures 4.0 cm.Is this a problem? It also states that my aortic valve is heavily calcified.My June 05 echo has my maximum pressure at 42mmHg.The mean pressure is 26mmHg.In Oct 05 my maximum pressure is 38mmHg and a mean aortic valve gradient of 23mmHg.My peak aortic flow is 3.2.Please help me with this medical jargon????

I can't help you with the aneurysm dimensions. I can tell you my aortic root was considered normal at 2.6cm; your 4.0 measurement is greater than that.

My right/left heart cath the day before replacement surgery showed my mean aortic valve gradient pressure was 50 mmHg. Yours is 26mmHg/23mmHg
according to your two echos. That is substantially below my presurgery number, and is similar to measurements I had when my valve was considered mild/moderately stenotic.

Normal peak flow is about 1.0m per sec; 2.5-2.9m per second is found in mild stenosis; 3.0-4.0 indicates moderate stenosis, and more than 4.0 m per second indicates severe stenosis. After replacement surgery, my peak velocity was 1.5m per second. That is in the normal range.
Using these figures, your aortic flow of 3.2 suggests moderate stenosis.

It seems to me, in my humble opinion, that your aneurysm is the primary problem with a root that also looks troublesome. Your valve indicates moderate stenosis.
I hope this helps.
Mary-Thank you for your help with this.The surgeons and cardiologists never explain anything to you.Matter of fact,if I had not asked for the results so I could get a second opionion,I would have never seen these results.The Dr.'s just say,"It's ok right now." They never explain any of the readings to you!!
Need some help with this

Thank you for your info!!! Everything is helpful.This waiting is tough :(