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I saw the gastro doc this afternoon and we're doing the endoscopy of my esophagus. My cardio (who is an electrophysiologist) sent the gastro doc a note telling him that I was to hold my coumadin for one day before going into the hospital to be put on the Heparin drip. Now I know enough to know that my INR is still going to be way too high and that I'll be sitting in there for days waiting for it to hit 1.6 which is where the gastro wants it to be. I have to call the cardio tomorrow and get him to revise his advice. It's been a while since I did a Heparin drip. Do I have to go on it immediately after I stop the Coumadin? Or can I say stop it for two-three days before going in to be put on the drip? In other words, will I be safe with no bridging for those 2-3 days? Any help would be appreciated. LINDA