Need Ideas for a Halloween Costume!!

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Kevin M

I never go to Halloween parties. It's not that I don't enjoy them, I do.

It's because I am a loser when it comes to coming up with clever costume ideas.

This year, I've been invited to a party that is apparently going to be amazing. My problem is that you are not allowed in unless you have a costume.

I was thinking about going as a tubby heart patient, but me without a shirt might really frighten the guests!

How about it? Does anyone have any ideas? I don't want to show up as one of those goobers who bought or rented a costume off the rack.

Let me know if you cats have any good ones ok?
I'm not good at this either and I am being brave to put a suggestion, when I know other people will come up with wonderful ideas. My first thought was how about a heart surgeon?? It would be an easy costume - just get some scrubs. No? Just a thought. It has something to do with you and an easy costume!

Again, we will wait for the really creative ideas - I know Ross will have some!! :D

My Joe and I used to square dance. Square dancing ladies wear special petticoats and dresses and the guys wear western wear and those ties. We had finally run out of ideas so one year I went as Joe and Joe went as me! We got him a long haired wig to cover his baldness and he was in business. Nobody knew it was him but knew it was a guy because he sat in those big skirts in a very unladylike way. He won the prize that year. And they talked about it for a couple years after. The other winner was also a guy. His wife dressed him up as a waitress with long blonde tresses and oranges. What a couple the two of them made. Such fun. I love costume parties
My two favorite Halloween costume ideas, for which I cannot take credit, are:

1. pregnant nun . This is especially funny if a man does it. And wear a corkscrew around your neck instead of a cross.

2. The Hogettes from Washington Redskins fan fame. You know those big guys who dress as "women" and wear a pig nose.

Otherwise, I am a traditionalist. You can't go wrong dressed as a zombie or other creature of the night. A good witch/warlock/dracula costume can be the perfect thing. Then there is always the homicidal maniac/Norman Bates- dress as yourself because he looked norman too.

Of course, Halloween is my favorite holiday!

This years' McCabe-Cuthbert extravaganza is in the final planning stages and involves a giant werewolf cut-out silhoutted in an up stairs window and a giant spider and web across the front porch.


A couple of years ago I had Dr.s appointment on Halloween. I was greeted by the friendly nurse dressed as a nun. I have known her for years. She knew I had a pretty open mind and a sense of humor. She said that she would show me a picture of her and my Dr. in their costumes. she was a pregnant Nun and he was the{ huge}Priest who was the father. Of course, he took his off before everyone started coming in. When he came into my room. I told him that he took a nice picture. Everytime I see him, I think of his costume. Oh well,
You know Ross

You know Ross

He will just suggest you go as a gun toting kitty cat! Haven't seen that avator lately?
I really don't like Halloween myself,

I really don't like Halloween myself,

but the funniest costume I've seen in recent years is someone dressed as "One night stand". The guy had cut a hole in a box, put it over his head, and made it look like a "night stand", complete with a lamp, ashtray, cigarettes, glass of water etc., and just to be safe, a condom! All of these items were glued down of course, so they wouldn't fall off.
My idea is sorta like Jean's.

I sent my mom to work one Halloween as the main course on the dinner table. Just take a large piece of cardboard and put one of those plastic table cloths on it. Cut a hole in the center; glue some plastic plates, utensils, and glases to it. Add some parsley around the neck hole, stick your head through it and, TA DA!Dinner.

Best thing is, you can take it off while you're there.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I've decided to go for a high gross out factor.

I've got a chef's uniform and I will splatter fake blook on it.
I will have a fake cleaver and a bag of pig eyeballs and a pig's heart; double cryovac, of course. I will be the Cannibal Chef.

I know it's pretty disgusting, but the crowd I am going out with have a high splatter tolerance.

Thanks for the ideas.